In an article with a very strong tone against Lucía Azzolina and the entire Conte government, Franco Bechis in “Il Tempo” accuses the Minister of Education of having hidden data on infections in schools.
All this arises from the information disseminated by Wired, of which we have already spoken, of reprocessing of the data received, following a generalized access request (FOIA), directly from the MI. These were the data transmitted to the Ministry by school administrators through the corresponding weekly survey.
The situation detected on October 31 speaks of about 65,000 (to be exact 64,980) positives reported by just over a third of Italian schools.
It is to these data that “Il Tempo” refers, accusing the Minister of not having revealed them to those responsible, so much so that even the coordinator of the Scientific Technical Committee, Agostino Miozzo, questioned in the Chamber’s Culture Commission, stated that it was not knowledge.
“That minister – writes the journalist – has a very serious responsibility for the second wave of Italian infections, and it must be understood if in addition to the obvious inability to do its job there was also a dramatic bad faith in hiding this data. But from Miozzo himself we learn that the CTS is devoid of any type of data, from time to time the Higher Institute of Health sends them publications and some other auditors send others.”.
Finally, there are strong criticisms of the prime minister’s work: “The other night – continues Franco Bechis – In this discharge of responsibilities on defenseless people, Conte reached a fever pitch by stating that the infections at the school (which he had previously denied) were certainly not due to him, Azzolina, or the Transport Minister Paola De Micheli who had impeccable and very safe protocols are in place, but to the students who when the bell rings go out together and greet each other in a crowd in front of the school”.