Covid at April levels: “No ‘Terni case'”


The increase in infections is worrying, even in Terni where between Friday (108 current cases) and Saturday (105 due to cures) the maximum of last spring, the ‘first phase’ of Covid, was once again exceeded, when the 5th of April. counted as maximum 91 positives. In we spoke with the director of health of Usl Umbria 2, Camillo Giammartino, whose point of view on the epidemiological situation of the territory is “total”.


“The numbers are increasing but the situation of hospitalizations does not alarm”

“In reality – Giammartino explains – there is no ‘Terni phenomenon’, a city that is not discussed by other Italian realities in a significant way. The increase in infections is a rather generalized fact that is affecting Italy and, before us, the rest of Europe and, I would say, the world. The main difference, compared to March / April, is that at this time the most affected by the virus is the young. There is, it is true, a growing trend regarding the average age of hospitalized people, but it is inevitable. For now, the local health network is fully supporting: cases and contacts are growing but the number of hospitalizations and especially intensive care is not increasing in the same way. However, it is plausible that, based on the experience of recent months, expansion plans are drawn up at the regional level to deal with emergency situations, also with regard to intensive care ”.

The effort for health

Every day new cases and, therefore, new epidemiological investigations that identify contacts, apply isolates, fix swabs. A work carried out by the Local Health Service that has never stopped and that has now been resumed at a dizzying pace: “This is a considerable commitment – explains the health director of the Umbria 2 health company – which particularly concerns the hygiene and prevention, which must provide for epidemiological investigations and therefore reconstruct all the contacts of each positive, and of the districts that must carry out an increasingly constant number of daily swabs. As the days go by, the involvement of general practitioners will also grow stronger and their workload will tend to increase. Here, however, I want to thank all the young doctors from the USCA (Special Care Continuity Units) who are doing a precious and, without exaggeration, indispensable work: as they say ‘on the front line’ ”.

The ability to ‘remove’ the positives

Another issue is the evolution of the ability to intercept the positives, increased, if only by the experience acquired, compared to last spring: “While in February, March and April the paradigm was represented by quite obvious symptoms, such as breathing difficulties and fever, with the tendency to overlook much more nuanced situations that were not considered ‘suspicious’, today tampons mostly intercept asymptomatic patients and there is an indicator of viral circulation that surely ‘turns on’ much earlier. Yes , the ability to intercept positive subjects has increased, even among the least vulnerable population groups that often do not show significant symptoms.


Autumn has just begun and with it will come colds, sore throats and the ‘ailments’ typical of the season. Distinguishing them from the suspicion of Covid will not be easy: “But what matters – concludes Giammartino – and the next challenge that concerns everyone, including the pediatric population, is that of influenza vaccination. Getting vaccinated, especially this year, will be essential to fight the virus. The identification of cases and with it the ability to isolate them will benefit. Waiting for the emergency to end sooner or later.

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