Covid, as of Monday 17 “yellow” regions but the first local red zones are activated by outbreaks related to variants. And Speranza asks “prudence”


Starting Monday, February 8 seventeen regions (16 and the autonomous province of Trento) will officially enter the yellow zone, while three, Puglia, Sicilia, Umbria, will remain orange. But there are exceptions. As Gianni Rezza himself suggested during the last weekly press conference of the Higher Institute of Health, some areas within the same regions will be blocked. The reason is simple: contain the sprouts. This is the case, for example, of twenty-seven municipalities in Lower Molise that from tomorrow will enter the red zone by decision of the President of the Region, Donato Toma, with an order signed on the recommendation of Asrem. The hypothesis is that even here, as has already happened in other areas of Italy, the variations may have caused local outbreaks. In this return to the confinement, in fact, the Molisanos will not be alone: ​​from Monday all Perugia province it will be a red zone due to the presence of variants. And similar measures have been taken for others Common from central Italy. Without a control of these outbreaks, in fact, the risk is that all Italy will return to the blockade, as it happened in the rest of Europe.

To make us reflect on this hypothesis, today it was the same Minister of Health on Facebook. Roberto Speranza made an appeal to the Italians after the first Saturday in the yellow zone: “We need the utmost caution throughout the country,” he recalled. The reference was not just the variants, which undoubtedly worries, but also to the fucks that filled the streets from the big cities, from north to south: razed restaurants, crowded promenades and celebrations of historic centers characterized the day. Thanks to the spring weather, especially in the south, seven out of ten They had lunch outside, according to Coldiretti. “We must not undermine the progress of recent weeks, the result of sacrifices done so far. The yellow zone does not mean saved by the hairSperanza warned.

Critical areas – In different areas of the country there is concern: a Pescara Mayor Carlo Masci – given the rapid increase in infections – has signed an order that provides for the suspension of the didactic things in presence at All schools from the city, from February 8 to 16. The entire province of Perugia, but also 6 municipalities in the Ternano area, have been in the red zone since Monday: in Umbria. 18 cases of English variant Sars-Cov-2 e virus 12 of that Brazilian, while other samples are being analyzed. Also three locations Abruzzo have been inserted in the red zone: San Giovanni Teatino, Atessa (Chieti) and Touch of Casauria (Pescara). And good Closed, in the province of Siena, has seen restrictions, as has the autonomous province of Bolzano which, despite being officially “orange”, has chosen to proceed with a new blockade. And then, in fact, Molise, the last to join the list of red zones with 27 municipalities closed since Monday.

A Bolognain addition, there was an outbreak to Sant’Orsola hospital with ten variant cases. In the Rsa ‘Villa San Martina’ to San Casciano Val di Pesa (Florence) 17 guests over 50 and 11 employees are positive. There have also been cases of variants of English in the Marches among the students of some schools in Tolentino, Pollenza and Castelfidardo, as well as to push the Institutes to proceed with distance education, subjecting the classes to molecular smears and quarantine.

Clusters and outbreaks in the hospital and not attributable to the variants, so they are immediate action is required. Otherwise, the contagion, also thanks to the behaviors and the release of the yellow zone, will increase again in a very short time. The Istituto Superiore di Sanità explained it clearly in its last follow-up: “The gods are gathered warning signs and potential counter-trend, which require great attention in the maintenance of mitigation measures, also in light of the variants “, he stressed Silvio Brusaferro.

The table of Covid in Italy prepared by the General Director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, Gianni rezza, it is clear: “The circulation of viral variants, for which it is necessary to take special measures restrictive especially in the affected municipalities ”. Of the mini red areas, such as those ordered by the Umbria Region, where monitoring has already indicated theRt index highest in Italy (1.18). “In Umbria there seems to be circulation of 2 variants, that English is that Brazilian. In Perugia, hospital groups have been identified, ”Rezza himself explained on Friday. In fact, the English and Brazilian variant have already arrived in Italy, while the South African variant has so far been reported in only one case by the hospital of Varese of the Ats Insubria.
