“I would say that it is a very concentrated phenomenon in the metropolitan area of Genoa,” explained the governor.
Genoa – It is about 700 (690, to be precise), the new positives of Covid-19 identified the last day in Liguria, of which 514 in Genoa, in 5039 molecular swabs and around 2 thousand rapid antigenic tests; In detail, for the metropolitan area of the capital, there are 278 people as contacts of confirmed cases, 206 in screening activities and 15 in the health and care sector.
the Dead people in our region in the last 24 hours they were 17, between 55 and 95 years old: 14 in the hospitals of Genoa and another 3 between Sestri Levante, San Paolo di Savona and the Sarzana hospital; Actually i am 574 (-4 to yesterday) hospitalized34 of them in intensive care (yesterday there were 31).
the President of the Liguria Region, Giovanni TotiSpeaking in the afternoon about La7, he stressed that “there is a very high prevalence in Genoa, while in the rest of the health companies we do not exceed fifty and in some cases ten. I’d say it’s a phenomenon highly concentrated in the metropolitan area of Genoa».