The first Italians will receive the anti vaccine–COVID-19 at the end of 2020, immediately after Christmas, assuming December 21Mother give the green light to the drug of Pfizer. However, the vaccine plan of our country is ready, the formal wait for officialization is linked to the presentation during the State-Regions Conference.
Approved vaccine plan, when it starts and what it consists of
The vaccination campaign in Italy will begin with the first 1,833,975 doses of the anti-Covid 19 vaccine, which Pfizer will send to the regions. The definition of the number of people to whom the vaccine will be administered is expected on the symbolic day, a V-day, the same throughout Europe, before the end of the year.
In 2021, however, the first mass vaccination session will be launched, targeting the categories that the government and parliament have defined as priorities: health and social workers, staff working in hospitals, guests and staff of the Rsa“.
Will be delivered on 90% of required doses because it has been estimated that 100% of the expected health personnel will not be vaccinated (according to a survey among ‘ordinary’ Italians, instead, 8 out of 10 would be willing to be vaccinated once the drug is available).
From now on, doctors, nurses and health aides who want to contribute to the implementation of the administration plan for the Covid vaccine, will be able to send their request electronically to the site https://personalevaccini.invitalia.it/
During the registration phase, a scan of the identity document, the tax code, the scan of any residence permit, the Title study (with date and issuing body), the year of rating, the identification data of theprofessional register you are registered and your curriculum vitae in European format.
Vaccination plan, the first doses region by region
The first 1,833,975 doses will be distributed throughout Italy, divided as follows between the regions:
- Lombardy 304,955
- Emilia-Romagna 183,138
- Lazio 179,818
- Piedmont 170,995
- Veneto 164,278
- Campania 135,890
- Sicily 129,047
- Tuscany 116,240
- Apulia 94,525
- Liguria 60,142
- Calabria 53,131
- Friuli Venezia Giulia 50.094
- March 37,872
- Sardinia 33,801
- PA Bolzano 27,521
- Abruzzo 25,480
- Basilicata 19,455
- PA Trento 18,659
- Umbria 16,308
- Molise 9,294
- Aosta Valley 3,334
Campania, for its part, has already expressed its opposition to a plan for the allocation of vaccines for the first phase, not in accordance with objective criteria of necessity. The Governor’s Proposal Vincenzo By Luca is that initially the population of each region is taken into account. Proposal, however, rejected by the government.