Rome, December 29, 2020 – The fire of COVID-19 does not go out into the world. After yesterday’s alarm of UK, where there was a daily record of new cases (41,385), today the Germany reports a high number of deaths: 852 deaths in just 24 hours.
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Also in Germany the Coronavirus does not stop its race. The country has registered other 12,892 casesi of Covid-19, which bring the total number of infections since the start of the pandemic to 1,664,726. According to data published today by the Robert Koch Institute, in the last 24 hours there are 852 more people died, for a total of 30,978 deaths. Meanwhile, until today (at 8 in the morning) they have vaccinate against Covid 41,964 people: Ntv reports, citing the Robert Koch Institut. Vaccinations officially began on Sunday 27, but the first elderly were already vaccinated on Saturday 26 December. Despite this the mayor of berlin, Michael Mueller, who in an interview with Zdf’s Morgenmagazin program said he expected new restrictive measures. beyond the confinement initially decided until January 10: “I am firmly convinced that we must continue to live with restrictions” to curb coronavirus infections. “I also hope – said the mayor with a consideration of the infection data – see more restrictions in January“.
In the field the English variant Covid would circulate at least since November: this is what the Hanoversche Allgemeine Zeitung wrote, quoting the Lower Saxony Land Ministry of Health. The mutation was discovered in a infected patient in November: a very old person with previous illnesses who did not survive the illness. The result of the analyzes was confirmed by the Charité laboratory in Berlin.
Coronavirus Italy, the newsletter for December 29
New increase in infections in Britain. Second consecutive record: more than 53 thousand cases registered in the last 24 hours (53,135). The BBC reports. Just yesterday the record of more than 41,000 cases was reached. The new deaths were 414, compared with 357 the day before.
The head of the British health service (NHS), Simon Stevens, has sounded the alarm that the country is “again in the eye of the storm”, with number of hospitalizations for Covid-19 it has past the one registered during april peak. Stevens then launched a message of optimism: “We believe that by the end of spring we will be able to vaccinate everyone at risk and this is perhaps the greatest ray of hope for next year.
“We are ruling out a new blockade, both nationally and regionally,” French Health Minister Olivier Veran said live on television. Véran spoke of a “concertation” with a view to advancing the curfew – from 8 pm to 6 pm – in the regions of greatest risk. In France 11,395 new cases of Covid-19 were registered in the last 24 hours, according to data from Santé Publique France. The victims in the hospitals were 384, to which must be added the 585 in the hospices in the last 4 days. The total number of deaths since the beginning of the pandemic exceeds 64,000, to 64,078
They arrived today in Spain more than 350 thousand doses of the vaccine against Covid developed by Pfizer / BioNTech, with a 24-hour delay due to “a minor logistical problem” at the Puurs production center in Belgium, the government said. Seven other European countries have suffered the same delay, he adds, without specifying which ones. Five planes have delivered the vaccines to as many Spanish cities from which they will depart for the different regions of the country “to start the generalized vaccination campaign.” The army was deployed to deliver the vaccine to the Balearic Islands and the two enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla. Over the next three months, 350,000 doses will be delivered to Spain each week. By next summer, 70 percent of the Spanish population will be vaccinated, if everything goes according to plan, said Health Minister Salvador Illa.
The Russia confirmation 27,002 new cases of Covid-19, 5,641 of which diagnosed in Moscow, and others 562 deaths due to the coronavirus pandemic. The official data reported by the Russian media speak of a total of 3,105,037 infections and 55,827 deaths.
Other countries
the U.S administered 2.1 million doses of the coronavirus vaccine, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced. Among those who have been vaccinated there are Kamala harris. The US vice president-elect received the first dose of Moderna vaccine. The vaccination campaign is also launched in Argentina, with doses of the Russian vaccine Sputnik V, the first registered in the world. The country received the first batch of 300,000 doses on Christmas Eve and operations will begin at 9:00 am local time. Hundreds of people have already registered online to get vaccinated, and healthcare workers take priority. More supplies from Russia are expected in January and February, five and 14 million doses respectively.
Meanwhile, the Brazil It continues to record sad records and in the last 24 hours there are 20,548 new Coronavirus infections and 431 deaths. The cases, since the beginning of the pandemic, have reached 7.5 million (7,504,833), while the deaths are 191,570. Also there Korea reports a sad history of 40 deaths and more than 1,000 new coronavirus infections in 24 hours. Data from the Agency for Disease Control and Prevention (Kdca), reported by the Yonhap news agency, speak of another 1,046 confirmed cases of Covid-19, bringing the total to 58,725 with 859 deaths since the beginning of the emergency sanitary.
On the other side of the world, however, a Sydney hundreds of young British, crowded without mask, on a beach they have celebrated christmas with songs, dances and beers regardless of anti-Coronavirus restrictions. A party that could cost attendees a visa to Australia and lead to their immediate expulsion. It was the Australian immigration minister, Alex Hawke, who threatened to act after seeing the images of the party in Bronte Beach, near the famous Bondi Beach, that left him “shocked”. The Australian city is currently struggling with a new Covid-19 outbreak that started in the “northern beaches” area, where 129 new cases have already been recorded. “If someone is considered a danger to public health or safety, they can be deprived of a visa and deported,” the minister said, according to the BBC. None of the mega-party attendees, mostly British tourists, have been arrested or fined so far, NSW police said.
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