Another 257 positive cases in the Puglia 5346 tests: this is the report from the Covid bulletin of the Puglia Region – after the 315 registered yesterday – which always sees the province of Bari in the lead with 144 cases (largely attributable also to the RSA of Alberobello); followed by 12 in the province of Brindisi, 27 in the province BAT, 25 in the province of Foggia, 8 in the province of Lecce, 40 in the province of Taranto, 1 resident outside the region.
7 deaths were recorded: 4 in the province of Bari and 3 in the province of Foggia. 473,161 tests have been carried out since the start of the emergency. 5387 patients are cured, while 4409 are currently positive cases.
The total number of positive Covid cases in Puglia is 10,421, divided as follows: 4,308 in the province of Bari; 969 in the province of Bat; 829 in the province of Brindisi; 2,487 in the province of Foggia; 919 in the province of Lecce; 825 in the province of Taranto; 80 attributed to residents outside the region; 4 province of unknown residence.
Commenting on the data from Bari, the director of the ASL Sanguedolce affirms that “The contact tracing activity continues to highlight a series of positives already isolated and subjected to epidemiological surveillance. The data we have shows that viral circulation continues to be high.” .

An elderly man from the Giovanni XXIII nursing home in Alberobello, positive for Covid-19, was taken to hospital after his condition worsened. Yesterday 71 cases of contagion, 59 patients and 12 operators were diagnosed. “At the moment the situation is manageable – says Mayor Michele Longo – we continue to monitor the situation clearly in continuous agreement with the prefecture, health authorities and regional leaders. In the nursing home, the ASL has also sent more devices prevention “. Schools of all levels that by ordinance were closed until Friday as a preventive measure.
This morning, a team from the Usca dell’Asl Bari, the special assistance units for the coronavirus emergency, took over the management of the Giovanni XXIII nursing home in Alberobello. Usca doctors and nurses will attend to the three uninfected elderly people. The schools will also be closed tomorrow, while in the Alberobello municipal offices the employees have returned to work but the counters remain closed to the public.

Contingent visits, one family member at a time and a maximum of one meeting a day with the obligation to wear some safety devices, from masks to gloves, avoiding contact with other guests of the structure. These are some of the indications included in the security protocols to avoid coronavirus infections during family visits to RSA guests and asylums in Apulia.
In fact, since last May the meetings in the structures have been resumed and, for now, there are no restrictions or closures.
However, the Department of Health of the Puglia Region has established anti-Covid rules during meetings: only one person can enter the RSA or retirement homes, which must be equipped with a mask and gloves that should never be removed during the visit . . In general, only one visit per day is allowed at a certain time, but there may be exceptions.
In addition, there are so-called “clean paths” to avoid contact with other hosts of the structures. It is necessary to keep the distance and, at the end of the visit, the room or area should be sanitized.