
Published on: 08/10/2020 6:22 PM
The president of the Lazio Region, Nicola Zingaretti, has signed an order that foresees additional measures to contain infections in the province of Latina, given the increase in infections. The measures will enter into force at midnight today with the publication in the Burl and provide a duration of two weeks. Only 20 people for private parties and early closing at 24 for bars, pubs and restaurants, are just some of the new measures contemplated by the ordinance.
“Taking into account the 155% increase in the cases registered since October 4 and in relation to the notes of the Latin ASL of October 7 – reads a note from the Covid-19 Crisis Unit of the Lazio Region – Today the President’s order was signed that for two consecutive weeks, from the date of publication, orders the following additional measures relative to the territory of the Province of Latina: 1) Capacity up to a maximum of 20 people, prior registration and adoption of general prevention measures, participating in private parties, even after religious ceremonies; for the latter, the measures still in force will continue to be complied with ”.
Continue with “2) Space for up to 4 guests per table, with respect to social distancing, in restaurants and in food and beverage supply areas; 3) Early closing of pubs, bars and restaurants at midnight; 4) Obligation to display, at the entrance to commercial premises and offices open to the public, a sign indicating the maximum number of people admitted at the same time, in relation to the size of the premises and in compliance with social distancing ”.
And again: “5) Prohibition of meeting in areas in front of the access of schools, banks, post offices and other public offices as well as in public places (squares, parks, beaches, etc …); 6) Prohibition of access to sanitary, socio-sanitary and social assistance facilities for visits to family or friends in the hospital or regulated access, in exceptional cases and with the result of written authorization from the hospitalization center’s health manager “.
Continue with “7) Quota on the number of people who can attend gyms, dance schools and other sports activities at the same time, carried out indoors with a sign indicating the maximum number of people admitted simultaneously in relation to the different areas of structure, including changing rooms, in compliance with social distancing, ensuring surveillance activities by the operator; 8) Promote agile work, as far as possible, in companies with offices in the province of Latina ”.
D’Amato: “In the cases of Latinas + 155%, new measures are needed”
“Without a doubt there has been an increase in the number of infections that conditioned this choice to tighten the containment measures for 15 days. It is necessary to recover that degree of attention and awareness on the part of the citizens of Latina and the province, The increase in infections could be due to the ‘tourist bubble’ that the city and province registered during the summer, especially in August with a high number of visitors, “he told Adnkronos Damiano Coletta, mayor of Latina.
“During the period of the confinement in my city, my fellow citizens were good, rigorous and observers of the anti-contagion measures, but now more measures are needed to reduce contagion again – Coletta stressed – It is true that the catering category is the one that suffers the most , the one that is penalized the most and that is why I ask everyone to do their utmost to respect the new measures so that they actually last 15 days and not penalize that sector any more ”.
“With the mayors of the territory and the president of the Province we have represented our concerns to the Region, also because the mayors are the so-called ‘front man’ and they must know how to explain what is happening and why. Politics must be able to summarize, ”Coletta explained. It must try to find a balance between health priorities and the impact on the public and not just such strict measures, and finally it must also take charge of situations and protect those punished. Understanding that the health security of citizens has the Priority, however, we cannot forget the economic cost that has already been experienced with the closure “.
The mayor of Latina then launched an appeal to his fellow citizens: “I think I am going to return to the address on Facebook to ask my fellow citizens, who are already very well during the confinement and until now, an extra effort and have even more sense of responsibility and awareness because there is a need to reduce infections. We did it before and we can do it even now: we respect all restrictions and containment measures. Forza Latina! “, commented Coletta.
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