Covid and the school, the doubts of the directors about lessons from home. Azzolina: “Serious relapses” –


“Keeping half the students in class from home is the simplest measure, the problem is deciding to send them back to class full time.” There is not much optimism among experts at the Ministry of Health about the school emergency measures that the governors have taken this week. The Governor of Lombardy Attilio fontana he announced to the dubious mayors: “I take responsibility for the decision of distance education for a short period for high school.” Campania has closed everything for three weeks and does not even reopen the primary school, Piedmont, Liguria and Lazio have required secondary schools to keep “at least 50 percent” of students at home, as have Calabria, Friuli, Marche and Umbria. The idea of ​​staggered schedules, still defended as a measure for the rest of the school year by the governor of Puglia Michele Emiliano, now seems obsolete: “In Veneto, staggered schedules at school complicate the lives of families,” explained Governor Luca Zaia. , which has not yet issued its ordinance.

In the end there could be a national framework and it will be contained in the next Dpcm: work is being done to find stricter criteria for what is now called the Ddi, that is, integrated digital teaching, foreseen by the guidelines of the Ministry of Education. “The absence of the school would have dramatic consequences in the future of the children”, tries to insist the minister Lucia Azzolina, also supported by the chancellor Luigi Di Maio. Protest against directors for whom closing schools “would be a defeat”. The president of the ANP Antonello Giannelli reiterates that “face-to-face teaching must be preserved as far as possible” and proposes differentiated solutions province by province. «The school world has worked without rest and without holidays. And now this work seems useless to me, like the investments of the State, I am thinking about the single-seater benches “, insisted Cristina Costarelli, vice president of ANP Lazio. Banks that among other things have not yet been delivered: 900 thousand are missing.

The number of infections at school is increasing. In the weekly monitoring of the ISS we read that, although intra-school transmission seems limited (3.5% of new outbreaks), it is “clear that extra and peri-school activities can constitute a trigger for transmission chains.” In addition to the problem of public transport, what has put the stability of the system to the test has been the delays in the responses of the ASL in cases of contagion, with entire classes locked at home for days waiting for decisions on tampons. The regulations on the quarantine of teachers – who could not teach from home because they were sick and in any case not the students of the classes that were at school – complicated the organization of this first month. Not to mention that the hiring of additional Covid staff is blocked – the ministry has miscalculated and there is not enough money at the moment.

October 24, 2020 (change October 24, 2020 | 07:54)

