An even more yellow Italy but dealing with the case of Veneto. While Piedmont, Lombardy, and perhaps Tuscany are poised to return to the lower risk range (and Abruzzo officially in the orange zone), the Governor’s Veneto Luca zaia she is dealing with an increase in new cases and hospitalizations that, however, should not yet bring her back to the orange zone.
The control room of the ISS and the Ministry of Health should today validate with the follow-up data (a national Rt index of less than 1 is expected for the second consecutive week) a new change in structure for the Peninsula. Measures that, however, for Piedmont, Lombardy and Tuscany, would enter into force only on Sunday (December 13) after the validation of the Cts and an order from Minister Speranza.

The situation in Campania and Calabria is different. While there would be a formal possibility, in fact, the two Regions are still grappling with “Too many uncertainties in the” resilience of the health system, “” as confirmed by the CTS and the Ministry of Health. Then you better be careful. The Governor of Campania is of the same opinion. Vincenzo De Luca that he would have agreed with the Sanità the passage in the yellow zone only from 20/21 December (denying “the impressions” of the mayor of Naples Luigi De Magistris).
One more wait that Antonino Spirlì would like to avoid. In fact, the “regent” governor of Calabria has been promoting the Region since Sunday. “With our data I really hope so,” he said yesterday in a direct on Facebook, without hiding the doubts that the transition could really happen.
Perplexities that, on the other hand, do not grip either Attilio Fontana or Alberto Cirio, who already announced on Wednesday how, after talking about it with Speranza, Piedmont and Lombardy will turn yellow from Sunday, December 13. Also, Tuscany should be with them too. Although the Region entered the orange zone only on December 4, in fact, as Governor Eugenio Giani clarified, “if the data is read we are already in the yellow zone.”
And precisely by virtue of these, as we find out, Tuscany would have asked the Ministry of Health to anticipate the promotion in an agreed manner (unlike, for example, the Abruzzo case that as of Sunday should officially return to orange beyond the appeal to the TAR government, whose hearing will take place today in the early afternoon); option provided by the Dpcm of December 3.

Beyond the new gradation that is less and less marked in red, it is early to feel out of the emergency. This is demonstrated by the data of the day and the case of Veneto (and in the background Lombardy). Scrolling through the first one, in fact, we notice how in the last 24 hours they have started to increase again, although it is not worrisome, since the rate of positive swabs is reduced by 0.8%, not only new cases (16,999 of approximately 171 thousand swabs against 12,756 118 thousand the day before) but especially the number of deaths (887 against 499 on Wednesday), on which a delay in notifications could however weigh.
On the other hand, the situation in Veneto is worrying, which has not in vain introduced two new measures that prohibit consumption at the counter and establish, as of Saturday, a buffer zone for people over 65 in the supermarket from 10 to 12 This is Luca Zaia’s first response 6 consecutive days from the worst Region in terms of new infections. Yesterday a negative record was confirmed with 4,197 new cases (followed by Lombardy with 2,093 and Lazio with 1,488 positives) and increasing pressure on the health system (+38 admissions in the infectious diseases and pulmonology wards and +1 in intensive care). “We have exceeded the peak of hospitalized patients in the non-critical area and in Resuscitation detected on March 29,” Zaia said yesterday “But from our data it seems that the Rt, the contagion index, is falling compared to 1.1 the last week”. », Avoiding for the moment the risk of entering the orange zone.