L ‘Italy it becomes increasingly red and orange. With another 25,271 infections (out of 148 thousand swabs) and 356 deaths compared to the previous day and especially with hospitals on the brink of collapse and the “rapid worsening of the epidemic”, last night the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza had to impose a new repression. With shots of ordinances. And the ISS confirms: “Unmanageable pandemic risk.”
READ ALSO -> Covid, Report of the Ministry of Health-Iss: «Very serious situation. Multiple regions on stage four “
The province of Bolzano, which had already anticipated the government’s movements, enters the red zone. Even Abruzzo, Tuscany, Umbria, Liguria, Basilicata change color for the next 14 days starting tomorrow: from yellow to orange. This means that in these regions restaurants and bars will be closed throughout the day, while shops will remain open. It will be allowed to move within its municipality, but it will be forbidden to leave the municipal and regional limits.
Given the rebound in the epidemic and with a health system in crisis, the Ministry of Health – where Speranza contacted the governors interested in the new repression to anticipate the new hardening – made it known that “a new verification of epidemiological data that concern everyone else Regions».
And, above all, that today the verdict will arrive for Campania, which in the opinion of the experts should make a double jump: from yellow to red. The tallest.
The data chaos in Campania’s health system is so high that Speranza had to send technicians from her department yesterday morning to carry out a check. Sources close to Governor Enzo De Luca, on the other hand, let it be known that the situation “is stable” and that therefore Campania should “remain in the yellow band.” In short, it will be an arm fight. The new grip, which arrives just four days after the previous one, in any case leaves little space. The regions with limited restrictions (yellow color) are now a minority: Lazio, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Marche, Molise, Friuli, Sardinia and, until today, Campania. In short, we are entering a semi-national lockdown. And there are those who do not rule out that in two weeks, “to avoid the delirium of an Italy with irregular closings”, we can reach the emergency shutdown The same lasts throughout the country.
We will see. Meanwhile, the new grip comes after days of postponements and after a new day of passion. The meeting of the Scientific Technical Committee (Cts) – called to examine the proposals of the control room made up of the Ministry of Health, the Higher Institute of Health and representatives of the Regions – has slipped for hours, starting at six in the afternoon. And this is because the control room ran aground in the usual chaos: the report on the weekly monitoring of some regions was not available. Or the data was incomplete. And therefore, it was “decidedly complex” to arrive at the decision of the new constraints based on the Hope algorithm with its 21 indicators. Hence also the complement of the analysis of the situation in the Regions that have not changed for now. Of the governors hit by the new squeeze, there is no controversy. The sign that the virus and the collapsing hospitals are now decidedly terrifying.
Last update: 00:28