Florence, October 28, 2020 – A task force of 500 people to track infections, the possibility of extending the opening hours of the premises if the spread of the Coronavirus slows down and a careful surveillance of shopping centers that, in the event of gatherings, could be the subject of specific measures. These are some of the measures announced yesterday by the president of the Tuscany Region, Eugenio Giani, together with councilors Stefano Baccelli (transport), Simone Bezzini (health), Leonardo Marras (productive activities) and Alessandra Nardini (education).
The first point refers to the tracing of the asymptomatic and the contacts of the positive ones: in recent times this operation has become increasingly difficult and incomplete. “Before I give up – said Giani – I would like to see if we can do it with the new staff, because, in international experiences, tracking was the condition to keep Covid-19 under control.” In “a very short time” (an exact date has not been given), 500 new operators will be hired to help those already involved in this process: 150 will be assigned to the northwest of ASL, as many to the southeast and 200 to the center. The personnel may derive in part from the Civil Protection call and, for the remaining portion, will be hired from among the students of the last years of Medicine and Nursing. Among the other commitments in the health sector, the strengthening of the Usca (which will return 90 as in the first phase of the emergency, compared to the current 60) and the increase in health hotels, with 1,500 more Covid beds in private hotels available .
The governor has opened the possibility of a regional ordinance that extends the opening hours of bars, restaurants and discos beyond the 18 provided by the last national Dpcm. “We have analyzed the Dpcm – said Giani – and there is an article that gives the Regions the possibility of organizing different schedules, in case of a positive epidemiological trend. Therefore, we will wait 10 days to evaluate if this is possible”. According to Giani and the council, if the parameters indicated a reduction in the alarm, the times could go above 18.
In the case of large shopping centers, the governor has announced a more rigid attitude. “The Dpcm has left this issue unresolved – he said – that instead needs to be regulated. I will not make an ordinance but recommendations, asking that the structures show great discipline next weekend.
By harmonizing the regional ordinance and the latest Dpcm, the Region confirms 75% of distance learning for secondary school, but recommends favoring first and fifth grade students, as well as frail and disabled people.
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