
The absolute record of infections, the 7,332 new positives in twenty-four hours that were not registered even during the hardest confinement, set off the alarm. The government had taken into account a rebound in the epidemic, hence the last adjustment decided with the new one. Dpcm. But if the situation worsens even more, “we will soon adopt other restrictive measures to contain the spread of the virus”, says a minister, “and the first to do so will be the Regions most affected” by COVID-19.
Conte: lock up for Christmas? I don’t make predictions. Possible regional restrictions
New Dpcm, Meloni: “We will fight against idiotic measures”
Coronavirus, sweeps to the brink of collapse: “With these rules it closes”
Among the measures contemplated there will be no national closure, blocking productive activities. If the wave of the epidemic increases drastically as in France, we will prefer to proceed to “territorial” adjustments and curfews in the city (after 9:00 p.m., as in Paris) to limit the possibilities of contagion. The adoption of new measures has also been contemplated, starting back from the May reopening: the first to close would be the places of aggregation and the highest “risk of contagion”, namely cinemas, theaters, gyms; then it would be the turn of the beauty centers and hairdressers. Finally, it would depend on the bars and restaurants. The last to close would be the stores. But without stopping, in fact, to factories and companies. And, as far as possible, to the schools: the continuation of the school year remains, for the moment, the “last trench” of the government.
Giuseppe Conte, however, does not like to “sow scaremongering”. So the departure of virologist Andrea Crisanti did not go well, heralding the possibility of a general shutdown of the country “during the Christmas holidays.” So much so that from Capri, shortly after, the premier put in the minutes: «I do not make predictions for Christmas, I make forecasts of the most convenient, appropriate and sustainable measures to avoid a lockdown. But it will depend a lot on the behavior of the Italians.
“This is a game in which we all win, otherwise we all lose”, he warned, “you cannot think that the government is there to solve the problem. It was the entire national community that allowed us to face the toughest phase and we came out winners. And let’s stop making abstract speeches, discussions. We have to be specific, we have to protect health: if the number of infected in intensive care increases, we would have difficulties again. We have to stop this curve and for this it is essential to respect the rules.
Conte’s new appeal to Italians was accompanied by an alarmed analysis of the situation: «This curve continues, which is growing slowly but progressively. It is the reason why we have adopted, and have not been pleased, restrictive measures. Others, in addition, can be taken by the Regions. Today there is this new ascent, but there is also a registry of swabs. It is clear that it is a situation that cannot stop worrying us.
The Regional Affairs Minister, Francesco Boccia, however, warns of caution: “We are concerned, but not terror: the current situation is different from that of March-April, territorial health networks have been strengthened, intensive therapies have been increased. and sub-intensive and support ongoing efforts. But more than ever, more caution is needed now. The virus is among us and runs fast. “” Compared to the March 21 peak when there were 6,557 new infections versus 26,336 swabs, “adds another minister,” the situation is more reassuring: 152,196 swabs were made on Tuesday with a contagion index of 4.8. In March, the index was 25%.
However, the alarm remains. And news is coming in on the transportation front that, with the meetings at the stations, you risk being the real Achilles heel of anti-Covid measures. At a summit between Minister Paola de Micheli and representatives of local authorities and transport companies, it was decided to leave the percentage of passengers unchanged at 80% with respect to the capacity allowed in buses, metro and trains. This is due to the fact that, according to the association that represents municipal and private transport companies, a reduction in capacity to 50% (a limit suggested by the Scientific Technical Committee) would leave about 275,000 foot passengers per day.
To limit the possibilities of contagion and, therefore, the gatherings, De Micheli, the Regions and the mayors agreed on the need for additional staggering of entrances to schools, together with the possibility of similar measures for public offices and businesses. And it was decided to increase the controls at the stations to avoid crowds and increase the means for “the most stressed routes, even resorting to dependence on individuals and tourist buses.” The Regions and Municipalities have not requested more funds. For now.
Last update: 00:42