Covid and Dpcm Natale, in the government dispute over derogations for hotels, restaurants and the elderly –


“There are 800 deaths a day …”. This was the painful leitmotif with which Roberto Speranza in the last exhausting summits with the Regions, the leaders of the groups and later the heads of delegation tried to reject any attempt to relax the containment measures for the Christmas holidays. And the same concept will be said today by the Minister of Health in Parliament: «Without rigor we will have a resurgence of the epidemic in January, just at the moment when we will have to start vaccinations against the virus. It would be a devastating sign. Driven by still dramatic numbers, the government is convinced that there is no alternative to tightening. And even if the official won’t arrive until tomorrow night, when the prime minister signs the Dpcm that will take effect on Friday, the main measures are confirmed.

“We must maintain rigor and prudence so as not to frustrate the first results”, Hope urges. And Francesco Boccia tries to convince Italians that “you can stay at home with your loved ones.” The first pillar is the curfew “without exceptions” until 10 pm, even at Christmas and New Years. The confrontation with the CEI is open, but the orientation is that the midnight mass can be celebrated at 20. The second pillar is the prohibition of travel between Regions, which the Minister of Regional Affairs Boccia explains with the need “not to disperse the sacrifices made in recent weeks also by health workers. ”Therefore, a ban on mobility also for the yellow zones, from before Christmas (perhaps the 21st) to after Befana: the decision on the dates will be taken today after a debate with the Regions and Parliament. Another crucial issue is the number of people who can be invited to the house during the holidays. Except for last minute news, there is still a “strong recommendation not to welcome people who do not coexist. “The battle for exceptions animated the afternoon summit.” In order not to undermine the security model itself, exceptions should be limited as much as possible, “warned Boccia.

Teresa Bellanova of Italia Viva fought, in line with Conte, so that the restaurants remain open for lunch on December 25 and 26. And even in the fate of mountain hotels, the tug of war continued to the bitter end. Speranza, Boccia, Franceschini, Gualtieri and Bonafede want to close them until Epiphany, Bellanova and Bonetti insist that they remain open and trust Conte’s doubts. The prime minister was also very insistent on allowing Italians to move into second homes, a concession that sanctioners consider too risky. The chapter on displacement is one of those that generated the greatest tension in the evening meeting with the heads of delegation. Palazzo Chigi has decided to draft an ad hoc decree, which will go to the Official Gazette together with the Dpcm and will serve to “cover” the limitation of personal freedoms from a constitutional point of view, starting with circulation. The decree will also have to extend the useful life of the Dpcm, which so far has been only 30 days.

The Regions tried to convince the government to open the borders, But for Speranza, who considers it essential to have “reinforced measures” when the whole country is in the yellow zone, stopping the movements is a fundamental point. The only and likely exception is the possibility of visiting elderly parents or grandparents who would otherwise spend Christmas alone. They say that Conte in the meeting with the leaders of the group was opened to family reunification, the possibility of reaching second homes and also, “as a symbolic gesture”, at the end of distance education for institutes as of 14 December. But later, at the summit with the heads of delegation, the prime minister took a less soft line. The ski slopes and lifts will be closed until mid-January and the exhibitors will be renewed. “On the part of the government there is an iron position”, had to surrender Luca Zaia, who had proposed with the other Northern Regions to leave the tracks open for hotel guests and second homes. The mediation failed. And now the President of Veneto asks that the roads be closed in the other countries as well: “If we find Slovenia, Austria and France with the roads open, our diplomacy can go to the attic.”

December 1, 2020 (change December 2, 2020 | 00:03)

