This would be the favorable opinion of the CTS for the opening of discos in mid-August.
It is about three lines, probably written by mobile phone and addressed to Marcello Tidore, director general of the Department of Health with the subject “Re: draft order of disc bis version”.
It is Stefano Vella, one of the 4 experts of the CTS, who writes on August 11, 2020 at 21:28, responding to another email (unknown) and also directing the information correspondence to the three colleagues Giovanni Sotgiu, Francesco Cucca and Piero Cappuccinelli: “Dear Marcello, At the moment I have only listened to Giovanni Sotgiu, but he and I are fine. Because they are alone in the open air, and it is inevitable and necessary that they reopen. In addition to the police controls, which will be reinforced. A cordial greeting. Stephen “.
The communication was registered with the entry protocol of the Cabinet of the Presidency at no. 0009992 on August 12, 2020. An email that would seem, with an informal tone, more like a confidential chat than a technical-scientific opinion, also because of the “speed”. with which it was evidently written.
In addition, it would seem the response to an email from Tidore written the same day just under two hours before, at 7:53 pm with the annex “REQUEST ter discos.” Vella then replies to a previous email containing the draft ordinance ‘bis’, and not the ‘ter’.
In short, a communication that feeds several questions and opens new scenarios on a front that, after the searches of the Presidency by the Mobile Squad yesterday and today carried out by the Carabinieri of the Nas de Sassari in delegation of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Temple, in the facilities of the Department of Health, seems increasingly hot.
However, the hypothesis of the crime is always the same: guilty epidemic.
Discotheques in Sardinia, a new mosaic for Solinas: the clubs stayed open for 11 days without any authorization