Covid and curfew: the Lombardy ordinance signed


Curfew throughout Lombardy from Thursday October 22. Other measures, such as limiting the opening hours of medium-sized and large non-food distribution stores, will be provided by a regional ordinance scheduled for the same day. “To counteract and contain the spread of COVID-19 virus – read inordinance signed by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and the President of the Region, Attilio Fontana -, throughout the territory of the Lombardy Region, from 11pm to 5am the next day, only trips motivated by proven needs work or situations of need or urgency or for health reasons; in any case, the return to the home, residence or residence is allowed. The existence of the situations that allow the possibility of circulation corresponds to the interested party. This burden can be met with a self-declaration ”. Self-certification and sanctions are those provided by the decree of last March 25 inCoronavirus emergency.

«The provisions of this ordinance – he continues – produce their effects from October 22 date 2020 and are effective until the adoption of a subsequent decree by the President of the Council of Ministers and, in any case, until November 13, 2020. Failure to comply with the measures referred to in this ordinance is punished, in accordance with the provisions of art. 4 of decree-law n. 19/2020 “.

The curfew decision was made after reviewing the projections on infections that at the end of the month, if the trend is not modified, up to four thousand hospitalizations could be generated in normal wards and about 500 in intensive care.