
Published on: 12/15/2020 8:40 AM
“We have already developed a plan dedicated to the Christmas holidays, also in light of the suggestions of the Scientific Technical Committee. Now more restrictive measures are needed. We are reflecting on it in these hours. We must avoid a third wave at all costs, because it would also be devastating in terms of loss of human life ”. Thus, about the new restrictions at Christmas to combat the Covid epidemic, Giuseppe Conte in an interview with the Press.
“The situation is delicate – continues the premier -. But our measures are working, they are allowing us to regain control of the epidemiological curve. The zoning system and the subdivision of regions by color is paying off. We have avoided a generalized lockdown, an extreme measure that is now imposed by Germany and also other countries such as Great Britain and the Netherlands. Fortunately, with these well-calibrated and circumscribed measures, we are bearing the impact of this second wave well. Obviously I am saddened by the death toll, which is still high ”.
“This sad record – explains the Prime Minister – depends on the fact that the index decelerates more slowly than the other countries that have introduced the blockade and the population registration threshold. We also pay for the fact that we were the first country to The West hit by the pandemic, that is why the population is very tested by the prolonged sacrifices and certainly the country cannot bear a new confinement.
Regarding meetings and commercial lines, Conte appeals to Italians: “Be responsible. We have made a very specific decision, also dictated by social and economic needs: to allow citizens to respect the beautiful and customary tradition of buying and exchanging gifts. But this opportunity must be accompanied by strict adherence to the rules by everyone. This applies to both legal regulations and so-called recommendations. For example, we ask Italians, during celebrations at home, to avoid receiving people who do not usually live together. Obviously, these are non-binding rules, because we cannot enforce behavior in private homes. But they are still essential to protect everyone’s health. And when I read about people taking steps to throw clandestine New Years parties, it hurts. Those who participate in these forbidden parties put themselves, their loved ones, their friends, and all the people they claim to love at risk. That is why I repeat to the Italians: don’t do it, please. “
With regard to the criticisms of the regions that, about the shopping crowds, they object: ‘if they have told the citizens that they can do it, now do not complain if they do it’ ‘, I “deny” this struggle between government and governors says the prime minister: “a tribute to style or an institutional courtesy. But with the ordinary powers that we have and with the health management entrusted to the individual presidents of the region, I find that we are doing a great job of coordinating with everyone, more beyond the political color. Of course, there have been critical passages, there has been some controversy, but in general it seems to me that we have worked and we are all working in the interest of the country. “
Conte then talks about vaccines: “On December 29, Pfizer will make the first doses available, then Moderna’s will arrive. Clearly, they will affect the health personnel and the weaker categories. To have an effective impact on immunity, according to experts, the vaccination campaign must target between 10 and 15 million people. To achieve this effect we must arrive at the end of spring, but before summer ”.
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