ROME There is no escape from quarantine even with the Covid vaccine in the body. For now. Those who have already received the complete serum, that is, after the first and second puncture, will still have to remain confined in case of contact with a positive. Then ten days of isolation, then a molecular control pad. And, in case of positive, quarantine again until negative test. The line was indicated by the Ministry of Health to the Regions in a videoconference: “At the moment, the same measures are applied to those vaccinated as to those not vaccinated,” the governors were announced. They are just beginning to implement the new approach. To lead the way, Lazio, where in a hospital on the outskirts of Rome, 3 immunized doctors tested positive, surprisingly, for the Covid-19 swab. Discovered by chance, after checking for an outbreak in the room.
Discovered by chance
Given the delicacy of the matter, the Italian Society for Infectious Diseases was activated. Scientific director Massimo Andreoni, virologist at the Tor Vergata Polyclinic explains: “They are three health workers vaccinated and infected, but not necessarily contagious. They were asymptomatic, we found them positive by chance, during group controls in an apartment. This would show that vaccinated people could also be carriers of the virus, but beware of scaremongering: the vaccine certainly protects against the disease, as we knew, not necessarily against infection. And precisely being positive when vaccinated does not mean being “contagious”, it is a thorny issue that experts have been investigating in recent weeks. “I am confident – Andreoni continues – that the vaccines authorized so far can also block the spread of the virus and that these data will soon be known. But for the moment it is essential to be cautious. Avoid recklessness. Therefore, also quarantine those who have received the double intramuscular injection from Pfizer or Moderna, if they have had risky contacts with an infected person.
The line of precaution is the one adopted by the Ministry of Health. And it is already being applied by the Lazio Region, where since the vaccination day of December 27, 250,000 have received at least one dose of the virus serum (mainly doctors and nurses, plus 27,000 over 80 years old). 112 thousand have obtained the retirement, in all Italy there are 1,178,838 people. Someone has encountered risky situations later. “The opportunity to quarantine the vaccinated or not is a key issue in the coming months, when the audience of the” remembered “will expand”, highlights Pier Luigi Bartoletti, head of the Uscar (special assistance units) of Lazio . “Unfortunately, sometimes those who have just received the vaccine are inattentive.”
The famous falling guard. And indeed: while speaking, Bartoletti receives a call from a colleague of the Castelli Romani. «The secretary of the clinic, vaccinated – he says – was in contact with a positive. What to do? “.” Quarantine, then a buffer in ten days, “prescribes the director of the Oscar. For now the direction is this, waiting for certain elements to emerge from scientific studies.” This is confirmed by Roberto Cauda, professor of Infectious Diseases at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart and director of the Infectious Diseases Operational Unit at the Gemelli Polyclinic.
“In theory – says Professor Cauda – vaccines protect against both infection and disease. But international bodies, the FDA and the EMA, have approved dossiers submitted by pharmaceutical industries focused on protection against disease. When we say that a preparation is 95% effective, we are talking about the disease, not the prevention of infection. This is the reason why quarantine, even when immunized, is the “most prudent option to follow at this stage.”
Mutated stumps
The point, emphasizes the Professor of Infectious Diseases of Cattolica, “is that so far we do not have important scientific evidence on the subject, even if there are some studies, for example in Israel, on thousands of people vaccinated with Pfizer: who did not suffer from infections. But they are still specific observations. “Little to deviate from the basic rules against the pandemic.” I am also vaccinated – concludes Cauda – but I use a mask, for individual protection of course, but also for the variants, a dark side on which we hope to shed light soon. ”The positive swabs of those vaccinated, in Lazio, will be” sequenced “, looking for mutated strains of the virus.
Last update: 00:55