Covid: almost 6 thousand cases in one day, 41 victims – Last Hour


(ANSA) – ROME, OCTOBER 13 – Covid infections in Italy have increased again: in the last 24 hours there have been 5,901 new cases, compared to 4,619 yesterday, with 112,544 swabs, about 27,000 more than yesterday. The total number of infected people, including victims and cured, rises to 365,467. There was also a slight increase in the number of victims: 41 in one day, while yesterday there were 39, for a total of 36,246.

In addition, the increase in patients admitted to intensive care is splashing: in just 24 hours there are 62 more patients in resuscitation for a total of 514 (yesterday there were 452).

The Ministry of Health bulletin also shows that the threshold of 5,000 hospitalized in ordinary wards has been exceeded: 5,076, 255 more than yesterday. Currently there are 87,193 positive, with an increase of 4,429 compared to Sunday: of these 81,603 are in home isolation (+4,112). Finally, 242,028 were discharged and cured, with an increase of 1,428.