Covid, Aifa: “The vaccine is safe, mandatory only in extreme cases”


Magrini pointed out that it will start gradually: “One, two, then three million a month of different vaccines, which will be kept strictly separate, the important thing will always be to make the booster with the same type.”

“In the last months, 30-40 thousand, even 60 thousand volunteers have been tested – points out the general director of the AIFA – the safety with respect to rare adverse events has been widely verified. They are vaccines studied according to standards intended for registration, it is out of place to think that things have been done quickly and badly. Pfizer and Moderna have already announced their results, Astrazeneca will do so in early December, and it is not a race to finish first, they are concomitant solutions ”.

How was it possible to move on? “There has been an international mobilization never seen before, an exchange of information that opens up unimaginable scenarios, research institutes from around the world have launched into the company by deploying the most advanced technologies and leading scientists. Vaccines are on the way. which can boast of a high immune response. ”

“We estimate that in the first and second trimesters of next year, adherence to the vaccination offered to risk subjects will be much higher than 75% – says Magrini – when we switch to mass vaccination, adherence should in any case exceed 70% “. of the No Vax we will respond with active pharmacovigilance studies, and an app for the vaccinated, but without forcing anyone ”.

“Obligation only in extreme cases” – “Obligation is a delicate mechanism that should be reserved only in extreme cases, such as health personnel and RSA personnel, but it must be used with great caution because instead it is necessary to stimulate individual responsibility and trust by providing the appropriate information”, added. Magrini said in reference to the anti-Covid vaccine at the ‘A vaccine for all’ meeting promoted by the magazine International to Ferrara.

“In 3 months vaccination capacity up to 10 million” – “Starting in January we could also have 3.4 million doses of the anti-Covid vaccine and, if the other two vaccines are confirmed in the final phase, we could reach 10 million doses in 3 months, but we will only see in January “, said. affirmed the director of the Italian pharmaceutical agency, specifying that “in the first 3-6 months of 2021 there will be no mass vaccination anyway.”
