Covid: Abruzzo, tomorrow Tar hearing on the Government’s appeal – Abruzzo


Against the ordinance for the Orange Region. The judge listens to the parties

(ANSA) – L’AQUILA, 10 DEC – The hearing of Tar L’Aquila on the appeal presented by the Government on the ordinance on the orange zone signed in recent days by the President of the Abruzzo Region will be held electronically in the early afternoon. Marco Marsilio (FdI). It is learned from sources of the Defense of the State. The president of the Tar Umberto Realfonzo would have thus decided not to take into account the initial request to make an “unheard of decision from another party”, that is, without listening to the Region, having decided instead to take into consideration the different positions. To this it must be added that it is not said that in that case the TAR will rule only for the suspension of the ordinance, but that it could also enter the merits.
The Government opposed the Marsilio ordinance that, on its own initiative, returned Abruzzo to the orange zone from the red it was. Tomorrow’s hearing coincides with the meeting of the national control room called to examine the epidemiological data of the region and certify if the conditions exist for a ‘rise’ from red to orange. If what the government wrote in the appeal is confirmed and that is that Abruzzo of November 27 presented data on the most positive infections and therefore after 14 days (deadline December 11) it would be orange again, then the green light It would be there but with the operations that Minister Speranza would sanction for Sunday the 13th.
Then it would be to understand what is happening in the Region: if the TAR decided tomorrow that Abruzzo would return to the red zone for two days, if it were to book it would pass for a few hours or even nothing if the decision came between Sunday night and Monday . It should be remembered that in the warning the Regional Affairs Minister Francesco Boccia had spoken of the transition to orange not before 9 o’clock yesterday. (HANDLE).