Covid: a new squeeze comes, from nightlife to smart work


the dpcm under study

The Government does not rule out bringing the Dpcm forward to Monday with the new restrictive measures, starting with anti-movement measures, considered essential to prevent the situation from getting out of control.

Coronavirus, 5,724 new infections in the last 24 hours, 29 deaths

The Government does not rule out bringing the Dpcm forward to Monday with the new restrictive measures, starting with anti-movement measures, considered essential to prevent the situation from getting out of control.

3 ‘reading

Coronavirus infections in Italy continue to increase, and the Government does not rule out bringing the Dpcm forward to Monday with the new restrictive measures, starting with anti-movement measures, considered essential to prevent the situation from getting out of control.
In fact, the crux of nightlife and coexistence that must be contained, as we know from executive sources, was at the center of the meeting of the heads of delegation and Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte held on the afternoon of October 10.

Local closure hypothesis at 24

And they also talked about the idea of ​​closing the premises at 24 (yesterday we were thinking about 23), an hour that would not have negative repercussions on restaurants.
At the meeting, the hypothesis also emerged, as mentioned, to bring forward the launch of the Dpcm to Monday night but – the same sources explain – being the time very tight, it cannot be ruled out that the new tightening will be implemented, as expected. , Wednesday night.
In any case, on October 11 the ministers involved in the new measures – which will also include a remodeling of smart work – will work on fine-tuning the measures.

Hope-Cts Urgent Meeting

Central, in this sense, is the meeting – urgently called for tomorrow afternoon – of the Scientific Technical Committee (CTS) with the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza. It is precisely in this context that the new measures that will be implemented will be discussed. And, apart (for now) from the total blockade, a priori measures are not excluded, given the worsening of the situation.

From the curfew on the premises to the prohibition of the sale of alcohol after a certain hour, to parking outside the limits of the same bars and pubs; From expanding work at home to reducing the percentage of passengers on public transport, to stopping travel between regions, everything is possible in theory.

“We must have the strength to take over this new stage immediately – says Speranza -. We have a small advantage over other countries but we must not be under any illusions and if we realize that there is a phase change we can avoid more drastic measures.
In short, rigor now so as not to have to close everything again, as Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said a few days ago. And so on Sunday we will consider what to do.
