Covid, a new increase in infections: 119 positives. There are 2 deaths and 4 new hospitalizations


The contagion rate in Molise rises again worryingly and reinforces the data provided by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità on the highest RT in Italy in our region. Today Saturday December 12 out of a total of 1,142 swabs, 119 cases of positivity were found, with the percentage of positives on swabs (10.4%) which returns above 10 after a few days.

Today two victims were registered: A 79-year-old man from Palata who was hospitalized for infectious diseases and a 63-year-old man from Montaquila who was in intensive care did not make it. Total deaths is now 162.

Daily admissions are 4, while the discharge 3. Therefore, current patients are 63, of which 56 in infectious diseases and 7 in intensive care.

Today there are no cured.

The new positives (119) are:

2 Bojano

2 I play

16 Campobasso

2 Campodipietra

9 Campomarino

1 Castellino del Biferno

1 Cercemggiore

1 Anchise glue

2 Ferrazzano

1 Filignano

1 stoves

1 Frosolone

4 Guardilfiera

12 Isernia

3 Larino

1 Macchiagodena

1 matrix

1 Montagano

4 Montaquila

1 Montenero di Bisaccia

3 Monteroduni

1 Morrone del Sannio

4 Oratino

1 pietracatella

2 Pozzilli

6 Ripabottoni

1 roccasicure

1 San Giuliano del Sannio

2 San Giuliano di Puglia

2 San Martino in Pensilis

3 Santa Croce di Magliano

1 Sant’Elia to Pianisi

2 Sepino

1 Tavenna

12 Termoli

4 Bull

1 Trivento

1 Ururi

4 Venafro

1 Vinchiaturo

The positives are currently 2730, while the totals since the start of the emergency are 5681.

The healed are 2789, deceased 162.

Isolated lie 2947 the citizens.
