Covid, 8,804 new positives and 83 deaths: we go to classes even in the afternoon – school news


Covid-19 infections are growing day by day: in the last 24 hours, the Ministry of Health reported 8,804 new infections (with an increase of 1,500 cases in a single day) and 83 victims, against 43 yesterday. If it is true that the record for swabs has also been reached, the number of patients hospitalized in intensive care is also growing dangerously: 586. Among the provisions that are being evaluated, there is one that closely concerns the school.

The request of the governors

To avoid overcrowding in the means of transport, secondary school students from the large centers could go to school even in the afternoon: this was supported by the representatives of the Regions during negotiations with the Government on the possibility of differentiating the schedule school to reduce peaks of users in local public transport vehicles in large urban areas.

In addition to the possibility of increasing the percentage of public workers in smart-working, regional representatives asked to differentiate school hours ‘by blocks’ -morning or afternoon- especially in large cities- also to guarantee the same working hours for teachers and Ata.

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Bonaccini: extend the hours throughout the day

The president of Emilia-Romagna and of the Conference of the Regions, Stefano Bonaccini, also asked to extend the “school” schedule throughout the day, that is, morning and afternoon “: interviewed during the program ‘L’aria che tira’ Regarding La7, the governor said that “the capacity of 80% of public transport that is difficult to manage and control at peak times is linked to having to take children to school and make them go home for those who do not they can afford to carry them alone. “

For this reason, he added, “if the hours were extended throughout the day, that is, morning and afternoon, this could be the solution to circulate vehicles.”

“We practically don’t have more on the buses here. We have added hundreds of daily trips, if someone brings us other buses… ”, concluded Bonaccini.

The school is a “victim” of the virus

In confirmation of the impressions received in recent days, therefore, it would seem that the dangers of contagion from Covid are not stationed in schools, but outside: the official data issued by the same Ministry of Education continues to be reassuring, since we are still beyond. less than 1% of students, teachers and Ata infected.

“Today’s data – commented on Twitter by the president of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Iss), Silvio Brusaferro – confirm that the transmission of the virus at school is limited compared to that which occurs in the community, making it even more It is important to watch and respect the rules even outside the school world. ”

One more reason to bring the students to schools, therefore, also in the afternoon.

Students protest in Cagliari

Meanwhile, in Cagliari a group of students protested, because they believe that going to school by bus has become a “risky” action: after a small strike of a few days, the boys, unable to parade through the streets of the city Meetings ban, they haven’t even left home.

It was not “a strike against the school – said Ansa Raffaele Peralta, 18, a representative of Siotto High School – but we thank the principal for having prepared the school for the restart. The problem is that, for example, in Siotto, seventy percent of the students are travelers. And every day we face risky situations to go to school ”.

“The anti-Covid regulations on the bus – reads a statement from the students – cannot be respected because there is not enough space.”

The meetings at the bus stops also aim: “We need more medical checks. Especially faster ”.

Also in this case, dividing the students between the morning and the afternoon could be a first answer to the problem.
