Covid: 5793 students, 1020 infected teachers – Last minute


(ANSA) – ROME, OCTOBER 15 – The Ministry of Education announces that, as of October 10, infected students are 0.080% (5,793 positive cases), for teachers the percentage is 0.133% of the total (1,020 cases) , for non-teaching staff it is 0.139% (283 cases). The monitoring data, carried out by the Ministry of Education with the collaboration of the school directors, was shared with the Istituto Superiore di Sanità. “Today’s data confirms that the transmission of the virus at school is limited compared to that which occurs in the community, so it is even more important to monitor and respect the rules even outside the school world,” writes the president of the Istituto Superiore di Salud (Iss), Silvio Brusaferro on Twitter. (HANDLE).