Covid 31,758 cases, tar: school closure fine. But parents are with Azzolina: the government can help keep them open – School News


Cases of positivity to Covid-19 continue to increase: in the last twenty-four hours there are others 31,758 new positives, more than 700 more than the previous day, with the deaths that unfortunately jumped to 297. In this worrying situation, with scenario 4 of the epidemic that looms over Italy, the risk of a blockade is increasing although not generalized. The school would also be involved, with distance education potentially affecting lower secondary school as well, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte admitted. This eventuality would not be well accepted, however, by many: it is mainly the parents who are protesting.

In Campania parents in the square

It happened in Campania, despite the steady increase in Covid-19 cases: 3,669 on the last day compared to 3,186 in the previous twenty-four hours. The health structures of the Region are under pressure.

Although efforts are being made to guarantee the necessary assistance in intensive care in order to prepare for a possible worsening of the condition, many parents continue to protest against Governor Vincenzo De Luca’s decision to close all school cycles. Above all, they do not accept that the DDA has also been confirmed in elementary school: a decision that is also agreed by Minister Lucía Azzolina, who in the days recalled that the mothers of the students must go to work and can leave their children at school because safe places.

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Among the protests that took place in front of the Campania region on October 31, there was also that of mothers, including children wearing Halloween masks, who took to the streets to complain about the detention of students in the school.

“We do as in Germany”

The “School Priority” Committee, which openly sided with Minister Lucía Azzolina, also made itself heard: “although aware of the need to break the infection curve – writes the Committee, also made up of a large group of parents – regrets the measures that the Regions are adopting, in no particular order, to close and reduce educational services and schools ”.

The Committee also rejects “any hypothesis of school closures, considering unfounded the hypothesis that it is a measure capable of containing contagions” and asks to follow the example of Germany: close what is necessary “to limit contacts of 75%” but the kindergartens and schools are kept open. “

“The strictest health protocols at school”

“The closure of schools – continues the Committee – would demonstrate the enormous economic waste of public resources allocated. The strictest health protocols are applied in schools. France and Germany have enacted “soft closures” that provide the first point to keep schools open. The same also happens in Ireland (where the confinement is not light, but total), in Belgium and in many other member countries of the European Union ”.

“This time – he writes – it is necessary to keep only food stores, pharmacies and schools open: the future of this country is at stake! Aware that this is a purely political decision, The Committee invites all government forces to cooperate with the Minister of Education Lucia Azzolina so that an essential service such as education and the right to study throughout the national territory is guaranteed, as required by our Constitution ”.

Ready for action to prevent school closings

“In the event that the political decision is different – read the press release – the Priority School Committee is ready to organize actions throughout Italy to prevent the closure of schools. All the studies confirm what was under the gaze of the country last spring: the enormous damage resulting from the disruption of schools in presence and distance learning ”.

According to “Priority to school”, with the closure “the right to education was subordinated to other interests for six months, Italian children and young people have already paid a huge price for this: it is not acceptable for this to happen again. It is necessary to strengthen other public services, mainly health and transportation, not to close schools. Investments for the reopening of the schools have been considerable, but not enough. “

Tar Puglia: prevents psychophysical harm to minors

Meanwhile, after the green light from the TAR of Campania to the Region’s decision to stop teaching in schools, a similar green light comes from the Regional Administrative Court of Puglia, which has rejected the precautionary request for suspension of the ordinance of the same Apulia Region on the closure of schools, due to Covid, presented by the parents of three students from two primary schools.

In the provision signed by President Orazio Ciliberti, extracts of the request are reported, in which it is argued that the closure provided for in the ordinance “could generate significant psycho-physical damage to minors as well as economic damage to their parents, who are in the absolute impossibility of reconciling their work activities with family assistance to minor children “.

According to the TAR of Apulia, however, “the economic damage is compensable, while the psychophysical damage to minors deprived of face-to-face teaching is not proven.”

For this reason, the request for suspension of the order was rejected: the matter will be examined in depth at the hearing on December 3.
