Covid, 232 new cases. Positive current +25, another 6 deaths


There are 232 new cases of Covid-19 in Umbria registered in the last 24 hours: the update is at 11:44 on Friday, December 25. The figure refers to 2,210 swabs examined (total 490,891) for a positive percentage of 10.49% (Thursday was 5.09%). The cures found in the same period were 201 (total 23,834). Unfortunately, there are another 6 deaths with Covid-19, related to the territories of Acquasparta, Assisi and Terni (4), for a total that rises to 597. According to these numbers, the current positives for the virus in Umbria are 3546 (+ 25). Since the beginning of the epidemic, 27,977 positivity (+232) have been found.


Hospitalizations and isolations

On Friday morning the people affected by the virus admitted to the Umbrian hospitals are 276 (unchanged) of which 36 (-8) in intensive care. Thus the individual hospitals: Terni 81 hospitalizations (-1) of which 16 (-1) in intensive care; Perugia 58 admissions (+5) of which 5 (unchanged) in intensive care; Screen 37 hospitalizations (+1), none intensive; Spoleto 35 hospitalizations (-1) of which 8 (unchanged) in intensive care; Foligno 24 admissions (+1) of which 5 (unchanged) in intensive care; Città di Castello 23 hospitalizations (-1) of which 2 (-1) in intensive care; Perugia field hospital 9 admissions (unchanged), none intensive; Branch 9 admissions (-4), none intensive. In fiduciary isolation there are 4,507 people (+10), while 108,773 (+647) have abandoned the measure so far.

The new cases

The 232 new cases registered in Umbria in the last 24 hours are attributed by the Region to the municipalities of Allerona (2), Alviano (1), Amelia (4), Arrone (1), Assisi (5), Attigliano (1) , Avigliano Umbro (1), Bastia Umbra (3), Bettona (1), Calvi dell’Umbria (1), Castel Ritaldi (4), Città di Castello (19), Collazzone (1), Corciano (9), Deruta (1), Fabro (1), Foligno (8), outside the region (12), Gualdo Cattaneo (4), Gualdo Tadino (10), Guardea (1), Gubbio (2), Magione (2), Marsciano (3), Montecastrilli (8), Montefalco (1), Montefranco (1), Monteleone d’Orvieto (1), Montone (1), Narni (11), Nocera Umbra (4), Orvieto (1), Otricoli ( 5), Penna in Teverina (1, Covid + returns), Perugia (35), Pietralunga (1), San Gemini (1), San Giustino (3), Spello (1), Spoleto (9), Stroncone (2) , Terni (44), Todi (1) and Umbertide (4).

The healings

The 201 cures found in Umbria in the last 24 hours are attributed by the Region to the municipalities of Acquasparta (1), Amelia (3), Asís (3), Bastia Umbra (6), Bettona (1), Bevagna (2) , Campello. in Clitunno (3), Castel Giorgio (1), Castel Ritaldi (1), Castiglione del Lago (3), Citerna (1), Città di Castello (21), Corciano (2), Deruta (4), Ficulle (1 ), Covid-free returns), Foligno (14), outside the region (4), Giano dell’Umbria (4), Gualdo Cattaneo (4), Gualdo Tadino (17), Gubbio (9), Marsciano (1) , Montecastrilli (2), Montefalco (1), Montefranco (1), Narni (3), Panicale (4), Perugia (24), San Gemini (2), San Giustino (4), Sellano (1), Spello ( 4), Spoleto (14), Stroncone (2), Terni (43), Todi (3), Torgiano (1), Trevi (1), Tuoro sul Trasimeno (1) and Umbertide (4).

Current Cases

The 3,546 current cases of Covid-19 in Umbria, at 11:37 a.m. on Thursday, December 24, are attributed as follows by Region: Terni 584, Perugia 522, outside Region 478, Foligno 193, Spoleto 178, Città di Castello 163, Gualdo Tadino 146, Gubbio 89, Assisi 83, Corciano 79, Narni 76, Bastia Umbra 63, Nocera Umbra 53, Umbertide 46, Magione 40, Bevagna 34, Spello, Castiglione del Lago 32, Panicale, Montecastrilli 29, San Giustino 27, Trevi 26, Marsciano 25, Amelia 24, San Gemini, Montefalco, Castel Ritaldi 23, Todi, Stroncone, Orvieto, Gualdo Cattaneo 21, Piegaro, Arrone 16, Torgiano, Città della Pieve, Cascia 15, Deruta, Cannara 14 , Fabro, Bettona 13, Lisciano Niccone 12, Passignano sul Trasimeno, Otricoli, Giano dell’Umbria 11, Collazzone, Baschi, Acquasparta 10, Scheggino, Norcia 9, Sigillo, Citerna 8, Valfabbrica 7, Costacciaro, Calvi dell’Umbria, Allerona 6, Massa Martana, Attigliano 5, Tuoro sul Trasimeno, Monte Santa Maria Tiberina, Guardea, Fratta Todina, Castel Viscardo, Castel Giorgio, A lviano 4, Monteleone d’Orvieto, Montefranco, Giove, Fossato di Vico, Ferentillo, Cerreto di Spoleto and Avigliano Umbro 3, Valtopina, Sellano, San Venanzo, Montone, Lugnano en Teverina 2, Vallo di Nera, Sant’Anatolia di Narco, Preci, Pietralunga, Penna en Teverina, Paciano, Monteleone di Spoleto and Montecchio 1.

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