
MILAN – Rise of new positive cases for Coronavirus in the province of Varese: they have been 1,902, of the 7,558 found throughout Lombardy, the highest figure since the start of the pandemic. There are 41,260 swabs performed, in turn the absolute record for screening capacity in the region. But the president of the Lombardy Region Health Committee, Emanuele Monti, reassures: «It is not a tsunami, as in March. And they are not blocking numbers.
The summary of the numbers
The percentage relationship between infections and tests continues to increase today, October 28 at 18.3%, up from 16.4% yesterday, when 5,035 cases were registered in almost 30 thousand swabs. At the national level, they are 25 thousand (24,991 to be precise) new positive cases found in almost 200 thousand swabs made. Also here we are faced with a record data, which outlines a worrying and constant upward trend, if we take into account that deaths in the last 24 hours are still 205 throughout Italy, after 221 on yesterday, October 28 (47 in Lombardy, against 58 yesterday).
Varese: why so many positives?
With the current boom in new cases, 1,902, the province of Varese is approaching for the first time Milan (2,708, of which 1,092 in the city of Milan). Although for ATS Insubria «the data it is not strictly related to the increase in the number of positives during the day, since it is affected by the closures of some laboratories during the weekend and therefore by the increase in the execution of swabs at the beginning of the following week, due to possible delays in the execution of swabs by the laboratories, in consideration of the increase in activity over the territory, and delays in communicating the results in the regional flow ”. The figures in the province of Monza Brianza also continue to increase strongly (822 cases).
The situation in hospitals
In hospitals, the numbers are increasing, but always in a less shocking way than those for infections. In the last 24 hours they are registered 21 new admissions to intensive care units, with a total of 292, and another 321 patients entering the ordinary rooms of Covid, where in total occupied beds are now 3,072. However, these are figures that still do not approach the (600 hospitalizations in intensive care at the end of October) of predictions that convinced the governor of the Lombardy Region Attilio Fontana to issue the ordinance that instituted the curfew.
Monti: “Beware of clusters and hospitals”
“We expected it, and that is why the strong order came from President Fontana,” he reveals. the president of the Lombardy Region Health Committee, Emanuele Monti – We were not caught off guard, not even at the cost of receiving insults from sports associations ». The exponent of the Northern League invites us to take into consideration the clusters by age group: of the positive 1902, only 135 are older than 75 years, while 113 people are between 65 and 74 years old, which means that “About 85% of those infected are under 64 years of age.“However, we are witnessing a phenomenon of” gradual migration of infections from young to old “(last week they were less than 5%), which leads Monti to claim” individual responsibility towards fragile categories. “
“They are not lock numbers”
On the other hand, however, “it is not a tsunami like in march – assures the president of the health commission – there is a plan to care for the sick, there is no suffering in the hospitals, there is a hospital at the fair, it is a different world from then, today we are organized and we can manage the problem. The tension and fear are understandable, even in the operators, but there is a plan of activities that requires options, like Varese that is not a trauma center hub ».