The candidate for the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2018, Stefano Scoglio publishes in Byoblu his latest study entitled “The invented pandemic, the new pathology of asymptomaticity and the invalidity of the Covid19 test”.
According to the scientific researcher and director of the Urbino Nutritherapy Research Center, in this long interview, “SarsCov2 has never been isolated.” Although there are studies that affirm the opposite, the professor with data and works in hand explains how the process of separation of the virus would never have been carried out: “I have examined all the studies that claim to have isolated and even tested the virus, but all did something very different: they took the pharyngeal or bronchoalveolar fluid from the patients, centrifuged it to separate the larger molecules from the smaller ones, such as the suspected viruses, then they took the supernatant (the top of the centrifuged material) and called it ‘virus isolate ‘to that extremely complex matrix ”.
The fact that SarsCov2 has not been isolated raises more doubts about the veracity and efficacy of swabs and serological tests, Scoglio explains, revealing another very serious fact and at the base of the decision to close the whole country: “There are 78 types of swabs, some of which imported from China; none of them has ever been checked, inspected or validated, says the European Commission ”in the Working Document of April 16.
Da Byoblu