
From the mandatory vaccination for the public sector, therefore also for school personnel, to the immunity license, a tool to access some potentially dangerous places such as theaters, stadiums or trains.
The anti-covid vaccine has already begun its first phase of administration, but the controversies and doubts are already innumerable. Just as there are innumerable hypotheses that are examined on the subject. These are the main ones.
Obligation of the anti-covid vaccine for the public sector?
The first question to be resolved is that of the vaccination obligation. An issue that has divided the government from within: on the one hand, Undersecretary Sandra Zampa proposes: “the obligation the anti-Covid vaccine should be a precondition for those who work in the public sector ”. Specifically: “I have affirmed it for a long time. Those who work in public and in contact with the public have a greater responsibility, which is why we have included some categories of state employees among the first in vaccination. I’m not just talking about the health personnel, I’m also talking about the teachers: it’s a matter of common sense. Before the pandemic, we introduced mandatory vaccinations for school-age children, without which they would not have been admitted to school. I don’t see why Covid shouldn’t be thought of as well, especially for teachers. In the public employment contract I would put it as a precondition for hiring ”.
The Minister of Public Administration, Fabiana Dadone, on the other hand, thinks differently: “A coercive method is absurd “he said, adding that “The recommendation to do the vaccine is reaching a good number. The plan is, by the middle of the year we hope, as Minister Speranza said, to be able to vaccinate half the population.”.
Covid-19 vaccine, the calendar month by month: school staff since April
Immunity license: hypotheses for officials
In the last hours another hypothesis arises about the anti-covid 19 vaccine: a kind of “immunity license”To enter places such as stadiums, cinemas, theaters or to travel on airplanes and trains.
As SkyTg24 reports, public employees are 3 millions, the 5% Italians. Therefore, other tools would be needed, such as an immunity license, which could be a document or an application and which would only allow those who are vaccinated to perform certain daily activities, such as traveling on trains and planes.