COVID-19. The dramatic testimony of a 35-year-old from Montevarchino. “I intubated in the San Donato”


Arezzo, November 12, 2020 – Lorenzo Stocchi is a 35-year-old Montevarchino. He works jointly in Terranuova in the secretariat of Mayor Chienni. He had Covid, but he was not asymptomatic. When he arrived at San Donato in Arezzo his right lung collapsed, his left was bad and he was breathing with difficulty. After 11 days in the helmet, he ended up in intensive care, intubated. She had crying spells, saw her roommate die, lost 12 kg. Now, luckily, he is better, but he wanted to publicly tell his ordeal to launch a sincere appeal also to young people. “We need to prevent the virus at all costs, raise awareness and convince the skeptics. Because they will also realize when a close person is dying, but it will be too late, “he wrote in a long post directly from his hospital bed. Perhaps this experience of mine will serve to sensitize those who still insist on wearing the mask under their nose and having dinner with friends ”, said Lorenzo.

It all started on October 19, when he had to go to the ophthalmological emergency department of the Arezzo hospital for a corneal injury. “There were many patients waiting, all provided with masks and disinfectant gel. But unfortunately somehow the virus, or thanks to lowered immune defenses or the fact that it often unconsciously touched my eye, managed to pass – he said -. After five days while at the office I got a slight headache and when I got home I had a 37.3 degree fever. I automatically isolated myself. The next morning I went, in private, to perform the serological test, which was negative. But once home, the fever had risen to 38.5 “.

The next steps were the swab performed in drive-through mode, the USCA intervention and hospitalization in San Donato. “They put the helmet on me to breathe, I kept it for 11 very long days. Oxygen shot at 60lt / minute, a deafening and continuous noise that prevented me from hearing what the doctors were telling me,” said Lorenzo, who was later transferred to care. intensive. And the nightmare began. Between arterial catheter, venous catheter, peripheral access, urinary catheter, catheter, catheter … I was very limited in my movements – he stressed – and I could not move my arms well to write to my loved ones in search of comfort. . It was isolated. Naked on a bed with doctors and nurses roaming the room, giving me therapies and actions to reactivate my lungs. They tried to cheer me up, but psychologically it was very hard. Then – he continued in his dramatic story – my roommate died .. And even though I didn’t know him, he had been standing next to me for three days. At that moment I broke down. During the endless nights, I had uncontrollable crying spells. A cry of despair that he did not know. He would never have expected me, always cynical and rational. On the fourth day they called my parents to tell them that they would intubate me. “

Now he’s better, they took him back to the infectious disease ward but he lost up to 12 kg. “It was a terrible experience – Lorenzo concluded -. I am 35 years old, I go to the gym and I am in excellent physical shape, I have no previous pathologies, I enjoy excellent health. I have always been very careful to properly disinfect my hands and I have always kept the mask; however, the virus managed to pass. “
