Covid-19, single students in fiduciary isolation: circular and request for DaD activation request



With regard to cases of fiduciary isolation, quarantine or isolation of classes or of some students of them (positive close contacts), based on the operational practices implemented to date, it is necessary to remember (better, specify) that the relative measures They are issued by the competent ASL and communicated to the Mayor who, in matters of hygiene and public health, is responsible for issuing contingent and urgent orders.

The same names are sent to those in charge of the school for the consequent measures, communications and the adoption of measures to guarantee the health of the staff and students, as well as the continuation of teaching, in the form of DAD and with the aid. that what was established, at the beginning of the year, by the DDI Plan, as well as in compliance with the regulations that, at the moment, are in strong evolution.

Local authorities and health facilities

The Mayor, in the event that the contagions acquire epidemic and worrying contours, complies with the legislation, immediately notifies the educational institution of the provision and issues, when necessary, the quarantine order. At the same time, the educational institution provides what is requested by the ASL (lists and contact details of the subjects involved: students and staff, in compliance with EU Regulation 2016/679 for the processing of personal data). Subsequent steps (calling subjects for detailed contact information and calling them to undergo specific tests such as swabs) are managed directly by the ASL itself, which maintains direct contact with the families and / or subjects involved. Upon expiration of the terms of fiduciary isolation, quarantine or isolation, the ASL will communicate the resumption of school activities to the Mayor and the latter to the school. On the other hand, the SD contact with the health authorities becomes direct in all other cases (the most numerous and frequent) and for all other options derived from infections of single students and single and isolated classes of the institute.

MI circular number 1934 of 26.10.2020

The circular of the Ministry of Education number 1934 of October 26, 2020, which aims to “Operational indications for the performance of educational activities in schools in the national territory in the field of integrated digital teaching and the implementation of the decree of the Ministry of Education. Public Administrations October 19, 2020 “states that” It seems useful to reiterate that the QSA measure is available to all staff, and possibly to students who are considered close contacts of confirmed cases of diffuse infectious disease COVID-19, on the recommendation of the Department of Territorial Prevention or other public health operator, to the Ministry of Education Department for the education and training system 6 Viale di Trastevere, 76 / A – 00153 Rome [email protected] by means of a written document, in order to control the possible appearance of symptoms of the disease. The quarantine period lasts for ten effective days, from the date identified by the health provision that provides for it ”.

The DDI, single students and Circ. 1934

The same circular establishes that “the DDI is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Guidelines to which the Decree of the Minister of Education of August 7, 2020, n. 89, declined by educational institutions in the specific School Plan, which represents the organizational tool that schools have given themselves to guarantee the right to education, also through the possibilities provided by the decree of the President of the Republic of 8 March 1999, n. 275. The possibility of adopting a time unit of less than 60 minutes and establishing related breaks between synchronous lessons is particularly useful, taking into account the provisions of article 28 of CCNL 2016/18, in particular paragraph 2 “.

Prolonged absences even of students in close contact with positive

In cases of prolonged absences derived from the measures described above, each institute must activate the DDI (Integrated Digital Teaching), to guarantee the continuity of the educational offer as well and especially for single students close positive contacts. The planning of face-to-face educational and teaching activities must therefore be adapted to the distance modality through options shared by the Faculty (taken at the beginning of the year before the approval of the Institute’s Plan on DDI “, taking into account the context Ensure the sustainability of the proposed activities and aim for an essential general level of inclusion The teaching plans are remodeled (it does not mean aiming downwards but rather remodeling the teaching delivery platform, if it is not already planned) by the teaching team and the councils of class. (interclass or intersection) in order to identify not the essential contents of the disciplines, nor the interdisciplinary nodes, but the contributions of non-formal and informal contexts to learning, new technologies, methods with the objective of locating students students, also in the case of resorting to distance learning methods, at the center of the learning process e teaching-an effort to develop autonomy and responsibility as much as possible. The platform used in the institution must be used.

In presence or at a distance

Even being aware that distance education can never completely replace what happens in the presence of a class, digital learning environments inhabited by teachers and students allow the reasoned and guided construction of knowledge through a concrete interaction of all. the protagonists of the educational process, maintaining, regardless of the means, the end and the principles. Full collaboration between institutions and families will be essential for a fruitful continuation of this historic moment. We need a greater awareness of both of the period ahead.

DA and privacy: the question to send to the principal

Attached to the article is the question that each parent should prepare, in the case of a single student subject to fiduciary isolation as a close contact of COVID-positive. The aforementioned circular, in this specific case, establishes, in fact, that “in the exercise of DDI, which takes place in compliance with article 4 of the Law of May 20, 1970, n. 300 with regard to remote control, confidentiality of information, personal data, personal identity is ensured with reference to the use and custody of access credentials, the prohibition of sharing them, the prohibition of accessing the platform unauthorized persons, protection against malware and cyberattacks, as well as the behaviors to adopt during the DDI and the consequences in case of non-compliance with these instructions. The educational institution will also provide appropriate information on the subject to students and their families. The joint document MI-Privacy Garantor “Integrated digital education and protection of privacy: general indications”, published on the website of the Ministry of Education, represents the unavoidable point of reference on the subject “.

Circ. activation of DDI DaD students in fiduciary isolation

A request to trigger a near positive count

