COVID-19. Signorelli: “The second wave is underway: more cases among young people and less serious”


The health expert, prof. Carlo Signorelli on the increase in Covid cases

“Lecco is in an intermediate range compared to other territories, but a deterioration is to be expected”

LECCO – “The second wave is already underway, fortunately with infected young people and this contributes to the fact that there are few serious cases that require hospitalization in intensive care”.

These are the impressions of prof. Carlo Signorelli, de Lecco, professor of Hygiene and Public Health at the University of Life and Health San Raffaele in Milan and the University of Parma and among the health experts involved in recent months by the Lombardy Region.

After happier summer holidays, these days the detected cases of Covid are increasing in the Lombard territory, in the province of Lecco less markedly than in other places, but in any case the increase in positive subjects is also taking place here to the virus.

“As for Lombardy – explains Signorelli – the provinces least affected by the first wave seem to have increasing epidemic curves exponential among these Varese, Como, Monza Brianza and Milan which, being larger, significantly increases the total number. Lecco was in an intermediate range in spring and now too ”.

“In the coming weeks – warns Signorelli – A worsening of this situation is to be expected ”.

Meanwhile, the Government has launched a new Dpcm and therefore new measures to try to contain the virus: “It is a first sign – says Signorelli – but in my opinion it is not enough to stop this second wave. We may have to intervene again in the coming days at the state or regional level with some additional restrictions ”.

At the same time, the vaccination campaign against the influenza season is about to begin: “We continue to believe that it is important to get vaccinated for at least two reasons: to strengthen immune responses and to avoid having symptoms that can be confused with Covid-19. The flu until last season hit hard and therefore the vaccine is desirable in elderly and frail patients, as well as in healthcare personnel ”.
