
In these first days since the start of the 2020/2021 school year, school leaders are identifying Covid 19 school referents. The teachers identified to perform the role of Covid 19 school referent, have no obligation to accept this assignment.
Covid 19 school contacts, with whom they interact
The role of Covid 19 school referrer can be filled by a teacher or by a member of the Ata staff, but also by the principal himself.
The Covid 19 school contact person should play an interface role with the prevention department and should create a network with other similar figures in local schools. Must be identified a substitute to avoid interruption of procedures in the absence of the contact person.
The school benchmark for COVID-19 should possibly be identified at the site level of single facilities rather than comprehensive institutes and didactic circles, for a better interaction with the structure itself.
The contact person of the DdP (Prevention Department) and his alternate must be able to interact with all identified school representatives, who must receive adequate training on the main aspects of the transmission of the new coronavirus, on the prevention and control protocols in the school environment. and on procedures for handling suspected / confirmed COVID-19 cases.

Covid 19 school contact person usefulness
The school worker who notices a symptomatic student must notify the school contact for COVID-19.
The school contact for COVID-19 or another member of the school staff should call parent / legal guardian immediately.
The COVID-19 school contact must provide the Prevention Department with a list of colleagues and teachers of the confirmed case who have been in contact in the 48 hours prior to the onset of symptoms.
The school benchmark of COVID-19 You must notify the DoP if there are a large number of sudden student absences from a class (eg 40%; the value must also take into account the situation of the other classes) or teachers.
School representatives for COVID-19 will be trained remotely, the asynchronous course will be available from August 28 to December 31, 2020 and up to 100,000 users will be able to participate.
The teacher can reject the assignment.
Ata teachers or staff they are not required to accept the position of school referral for COVID-19, because it is an additional task. This function could be remunerated through a specific window of reopening of the complementary negotiation of the Institute.