Today the new cases are 32,191 out of 208,458 swabs, while yesterday there were only 152,000, so the variation is due to the number of swabs made. Now there is a kind of stabilization in the number of positive tests per day, perhaps with a slight decrease. Gianni Rezza said at a press conference. There are currently 120 admissions to the ICU and there are 731 deaths. It does not contrast with the fact that new cases do not increase, but it is because deaths refer to accumulated cases in the last two months. The proportion of positive tests with respect to the total tests is also 15%, still high. Lombardy has the highest number of cases, with Veneto and Campania. Gianni Rezza said this at a press conference.
“We have a stable picture with a slight decrease in positives, but with indicators of hospitalizations and deaths that are not good and that represent the consequence of the cases that have accumulated in recent weeks. At the moment, however, there are no growth of the epidemic, but perhaps a slight decrease. ” This was stated by the Director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, Gianni Rezza, at the press conference at the Ministry of Health.
The relationship between the positives detected and the swabs performed is 15.47%, two and a half points less than yesterday (it was 17.92%). According to data from the Ministry of Health, the current positives have risen to 733,810, an increase of 16,026 compared to yesterday: of these, 33,074 are hospitalized in ordinary wards and 3,612 in intensive care. Those healed and discharged since the beginning of the epidemic are 457,798, 15,434 more than on Monday.
“The decrease in Rt since mid-October is there, both in Rt of symptomatic patients and in hospitalizations. The RT is not below 1 yet, so the epidemic continues to grow. But there is a decrease, ”said Stefano Merler of the Bruno Kessler foundation at the press conference at the Ministry of Health on the epidemiological situation.
“We calculated the RT from two data sources: the time series of symptomatic data and the date of symptomatic onset. We do not consider the asymptomatic because they are a very unstable quantity in time and when there is difficulty in tracking the contact It decreases”, he said Merler of the Bruno Kessler Foundation at the press conference at the Ministry of Health on the epidemiological situation.
“Rt, in addition to tracking the trend, also tells us where we are going, but the further we advance in time, the more unstable the projections will be. So what happens at Christmas will depend a lot on how we behave. We hope that the measures adopted and the behavior ensure that in all parts of the country we will be in Rt under 1 “. This was stated by President Iss Silvio Brusaferro at the press conference of the Ministry of Health on the epidemiological situation.
Indicators are a combination of timely indicators and others that take longer to collect, such as incubation time. The set of elements collected takes into account this variability, said the president of the Higher Institute of Health, Silvio Brusaferro, at the press conference on the analysis of the epidemiological situation organized in the Ministry of Health.
“We are working together with the competent authorities to develop more data access formats in accordance with the law.” This is expressed by the ISS in the explanatory sheets on the calculation of the risk assessment published on the website of the Higher Institute of Health. “Not all available data is published in a search database – explains L’Iss – because” not all data is public and is disaggregated to guarantee compliance with the standards that protect privacy in our country and the ordinances that govern epidemiological surveillance “.
VIDEO of the press conference on the epidemiological situation # Covid19 with the president of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità Silvio Brusaferro and the general director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health Gianni Rezza.