Covid-19, pubs and restaurants open until 11. Stop private parties, smart work extension. Latest news on DPCM



We will try to fire the Dpcm already tonight ”. The president of the Council of Ministers, Giuseppe Conte, said this in Taranto.

Among the proposals of the new Dpcm (prepared by the Ministry of Health) in which the government is working, in “The activities of catering services (including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries) are allowed until 11.00 p.m. and with the condition that the Regions and Autonomous Provinces have previously verified the compatibility of carrying out the aforementioned activities with the evolution of the epidemiological situation in their territories and that they identify the protocols or the appropriate applicable guidelines to prevent or reduce the risk of contagion in the reference sector or in similar sectors ”.

Such “The protocols or guidelines are adopted by the Regions or by the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces in accordance with the principles contained in the national protocols or guidelines.”

further “The activities of the dining rooms and continuous catering are contractually allowed until 11:00 pm, which guarantees an interpersonal safety distance of at least one meter.”

Catering with home delivery is also allowed in compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regulations for both packaging and transport activities, as well as catering with take away, until 11 p.m., without prejudice to the obligation to respect the distance between interpersonal security at least one meter. “

Among the proposals on the table there are also rules for shows, private parties and dancing. Regarding the first point, sources from the Ministry of Cultural Heritage specify that the limit of spectators both inside and outside will not be reduced – as we read instead among the proposals made with a view to the new Dpcm – but the current provisions.

Regarding the methods, it is specified that “The activities must be carried out respecting the content of the appropriate protocols or guidelines to prevent or reduce the risk of contagion in the reference sector or in related areas, adopted by the Regions or by the Conference of Autonomous Regions and Provinces in compliance with the principles set out in the national protocols or guidelines “.

“Events that involve gatherings in closed spaces or outdoors are suspended when it is not possible to ensure compliance with the conditions” over.

“Private parties and congresses are prohibited. The activities that take place in the dance halls are suspended. discos and similar places, outdoors or indoors. It is still possible to organize ceremonies with the participation of people, up to a maximum of 30. Fairs are allowed, subject to the adoption of protocols validated by the Technical-Scientific Committee, the Head of the Department of Civil Protection, and according to the organizational measures appropriate to the size and characteristics of the places “.

Close the number of spectators for sporting events. “The presence of the public is allowed, with a maximum number of 500 spectators for outdoor sporting events and 100 spectators for indoor sporting events, exclusively in sports facilities where it is possible to ensure the reservation and prior allocation of seats, with volumes and changes of adequate air “.

All this, we still read, “Provided that compliance with the interpersonal distance of at least one meter both frontally and laterally is ensured in any case, with the obligation to measure the temperature when accessing and using the mask to protect the respiratory tract, in compliance with the protocols issued by the respective national sports federations, associated sports disciplines and sports promotion bodies, organizing bodies ”.

“Training sessions for athletes, professionals and non-professionals, individual and team sports, are allowed behind closed doors, complying with the protocols issued by the respective National Sports Federations.” In the text of the proposals for the new Dpcm the prohibition of “Carrying out contact sports”.

Smart work expansion to 70% -75%. “The agile way of working governed by Articles 18 to 23 of Law May 22, 2017, n. 81, may be applied, while the state of exception to which the resolution of the Council of Ministers of January 31, 2020 refers, by employers to any subordinate labor relationship, in compliance with the principles dictated by the aforementioned provisions, even in the absence of agreements. individuals provided therein; the disclosure obligations pursuant to art. 22 of the law May 22, 2017, n. 81, they are acquitted electronically also using the documentation available on the website of the National Institute of Work Accident Insurance ”.

Furthermore, in the same text it is specified that a “Strengthening control of the territory to ensure compliance with the planned measures.”

