COVID-19. Positive students in four schools in Modena and one in Carpi


In the last hours, cases of covid-19 positivity have been found in five students from schools in Modena (primary school “G. Pascoli”, secondary school “San Carlo” grade I, scientific institute “Wiligelmo” and Istituto Técnico Industrial del State “E. Fermi”) and an institute in Carpi (Instituto Técnico Comercial “Meucci”).

The five had been identified as close contacts of positive cases in the out-of-school setting and were already in home isolation: the positivity, according to the Ausl epidemiological investigation, is in fact probably attributable to different outbreaks diagnosed in recent days.

As soon as the news of the positivity was heard, the Modena Local Health Authority immediately notified the schools they attended; Representatives of the Covid school promptly provided the list of students and operators and the Department of Public Health is communicating with all families: the students of the classes attended by the 5 positive cases were placed as a precaution in isolation and placed control panel, while school operators were offered the opportunity to perform samples without the need for isolation, due to the low probability of contagion among students of these age groups and school personnel.

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Based on regional indications and swab results, the Department of Public Health will evaluate any additional measures.
