The Lazio School Office, with note 29319 of last October 6, provides more indications for the collaboration between the school and the local health company.
“Schools have already done a lot to limit the possibilities of contagion within their buildings. It is necessary to continue the training and information work for students, so that they are convinced of the need to adopt appropriate behaviors, even outside school hours “, read the note.
From an organizational point of view, to manage the Covid-19 emergency in educational institutions
and in Lazio educational services, two specific groups have been established in all ASLs:
- the AntiCovid-19 Team for Schools, in charge of handling suspected or confirmed cases of Covid-
19 between students / school operators, which operates under the responsibility of the Hygiene Service and
Public Health (SISP) of the Department of Prevention; - the multidisciplinary group, Schools Promoting Health (SPS), which deals with relations with schools and educational services, provides information and carries out training initiatives.
To promote collaboration between the School and ASL, the SS.LL. are invited to:
- quickly provide names and phone numbers to the ASL SPS group
(preferably a mobile number) and the email addresses of Covid school contacts-
19, where it has not yet been communicated. In the event that these contact details are not provided by 15
Next October, the Principal will be considered the COVID-19 School Referrer; - Verify and promote the participation of school representatives of COVID-19 in the courses.
courses available in FAD mode on the EDUISS platform (http://www.eduiss.it), such as
indicated in the ISS Covid-19 report no. 58, and the information and training initiatives prepared
from the ASL reference (SPS group); - Implement and promote information / training activities for all school personnel.
on prevention measures; - constantly monitor the strict compliance with prevention measures by the
school personnel and external personnel, for example, service personnel
canteen and, in case of non-compliance, adopt the appropriate correctors; - Systematically monitor the prescribed space to avoid meetings during all school hours, with special attention to times of greatest flow, such as entrances and exits.
- sensitize students and families to the importance of avoiding crowds even outside
school and generally on the importance of adhering to helpful rules of behavior
prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus infection outlined in the poster
attached; - Disseminate ministerial and regional recommendations for influenza vaccination to
the 2020-2021 season, which strongly recommends immunization for all children from
age> 6 months and <6 years and for operators of essential services, including school operators,
inviting parents and school operators to contact pediatricians of free choice respectively
and to general practitioners; - guarantee a good air exchange according to the indications of the ISS Report – Covid-19 n.
5/2020 rev.2, taking into account the specific nature of the activity carried out; - request medical certifications after school absence in strict compliance with
as indicated in the regional note prot. Reg Lazio n. 789903 of 09/14/2020. In case of
Returning to school after an absence for health reasons that is not suspected of Covid-19, within the limits of
scheduled days (= <3 days and = <5 days) the school may ask parents for one
self-declaration certifying that the child has been clinically evaluated by Libera’s pediatrician
Choice / General Practitioner and that the instructions received have been followed.