Covid-19 outbreak in nursing home, 57 infected – some are over a hundred years old


What emerged yesterday about one is worrying retirement house of Portici, where numerous positives were recorded, including 57, to the Coronavirus. Of the 52 guests, 41 were affected by Covid. Same result for 16 employees, who in total are 40 in the structure.

The retirement home is there Pius XII, in via Gaetano Poli. The discovery of the outbreak was made possible after the hospitalization of two people affected by Coronavirus at the Covid Hospital in Boscotrecase. Most of the positives are asymptomatic, some of them centenarians. Those that were isolated in the structure have been moved to two floors dedicated to them, while the negatives are located, separately, on the first floor.

This morning (yesterday, editor’s note) – The mayor of Portici explained on Facebook, Enzo Cuomo The local health authority informed us that several guests were coming to a private home for the elderly in our city. from several cities in the province from Naples and some employees were infected with Covid and tested positive for the swab“.

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One of the guests – he added – was hospitalized while the others were isolated in the nursing home under the sanitary surveillance of ASL Napoli 3 Sud. Greetings for a speedy recovery of our community to the elderly in isolation and the infected employees“.
