Covid 19, local chaos in L’Aquila


In a few days there are numerous spontaneous closures in the capital. In the Movida Aquilana many blinds have been lowered, albeit temporarily. That is, wait for conditions to re-establish to return to work safely. the Monthy’s Irish Pub, the pizzeria La vita è bella, the neighborhood in Paganica and the local Anbra, those of yesterday in the center of L’Aquila.

“Reopening like this is a business”, is the alarm that the merchants give.

“First the closing, then the reopening that implied additional expenses, which came after months in which the collection was equal to zero, but the costs did not stop. Now the closure for sanitation to the first positive customer. We adapt, as always, but what does the state do?“.

If it seems that many measures are required of traders before each reopens his own business, fewer seem to be the measures taken to support these same activities, which have found themselves, despite themselves, to cope with a situation of economic emergency, as well as health.

“We are working together with the Superintendency – he explained to Capital the Councilor for Commerce and Deputy Mayor of L’Aquila, Raffaele Daniele – provide a modular structure as an outdoor area for each room in the historic center, in order to allow an increase in capacity while maintaining spacing“.

Today it does not turn out that the reopening has really cost extra charges to the merchants, with income cut in half due to distancing. This time not to buy new telematic cash registers, but for Plexiglas dividers, various adhesives, Personal Protective Equipment, disinfectant gels, frequent disinfection of spaces. A whole series of necessary measures in the face of contingent income and reduced income.

On the first positive, however, it closes, even if only for a few hours. But what does the law provide? We asked the Local health authorities and trade associations.

“If the contagion goes back to the contacts of the positive and in the trace there is also a Bar (for example), there is an obligation, by law, to close the business, but only for the time necessary to clean up the place” – specific Carlo Rossi, director Confesercenti L’Aquila.

“Beyond sanitation, however, the law does not require any closure if the place has been frequented by a positive customer. Also because that same client will probably have had contact not only with the atmosphere of the bar and those who frequent it, but also with a whole series of other activities. Instead, there is an obligation to do swabs when it comes to direct contacts: so if a club employee is positive, they can decide, in accordance with the ASL provisions derived from contact tracing, to prescribe swabs to the staff.

Since Asl1Here is one more clarification to our writing: “ASL, as a technical body, begins the registration of a positive case with investigations of the contacts that the infected patient had. The Health Authority, however, is not a decision-making body. The power to decide on a possible closure belongs to the highest Health Authority of the Territory, that is, the mayor. Mayor who, based on the actions and evaluations of the ASL, can decide to close a business activity. The obligation established by law is to sanitize the room, in which the presence of a positive case has been verified ”.

The pre-emptive closures of many locations at the time, often lasting days or even weeks, appear to force the category into intermittent revenue. Always intermittently, the 600 euros VAT During the last months. As if for the managers of the premises the blockade had never stopped in the true sense of the word, but had been put on hold. Waiting for the next positive.

However expenses and taxes, especially those postponed by Covid, are now one more virus to be addressed, which reaches a tissue already weakened by previous pathologies. And no one, among those who have established the procedures for the reopening and restart of the entire country, seems to know how to prescribe the cure for an increasingly black crisis.
