The estimated RT value this week is 1.09. Five dead and 65 recovered. Councilor D’Amato: “We must pay a lot of attention especially to social distancing” 137 positive hospitalized Spallanzani
Of more than 11 thousand swabs today in Lazio there are 265 cases, of which 151 in Rome. The estimated RT value this week in the region is 1.09. “We must pay a lot of attention especially to social distancing,” said the Councilor for Health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato. Five dead and 65 recovered. In the Spallanzani in Rome there are 137 patients with positive swab for investigation of Sars-CoV-2 currently hospitalized.
Meanwhile, seventeen positives for Covid-19 at an institute in the capital. As learned, the cases involve students in two classes at Bertrand Russell High School in the Tuscolana area. ASL Roma 2 has started a screening in the institute and even today tests are being carried out in the different complexes to establish what measures to implement (ALL UPDATES – MAPS AND GRAPHICS OF THE CONTAGION).
17:14 – In Lazio 265 cases: Rt at 1.09
Of the more than 11 thousand tampons today in Lazio there are 265 cases and of these 151 in Rome, five dead and 65 recovered. The estimated RT value this week in the Region is 1.09. “Attention should be kept high especially with regard to social distancing. Most cases are related to non-compliance with the use of the mask and distancing. Pay special attention to ceremonies, parties and everything that leads to a decrease in levels of care “, says the health counselor of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato.
17:09 – In Lazio towards the obligation of outdoor masks
The obligation to wear the mask outdoors could also come to Lazio in the next few hours. The measure aims to contain infections, which have increased in the region in recent days, and would particularly affect all those situations in which social distancing is not possible. The introduction of the mask requirement should come before the weekend, so it also contains potential infections in nightlife areas where get-togethers are easily set up in front of clubs and in some areas of Rome and other provincial centers.
The obligation in particular will address all situations of presence of several people, including family reunions. In this sense, at first the hypothesis was also raised of a possible reduction of the participants in parties and ceremonies, a kind of contingent, hypothesis, however, surpassed for the moment by the mandatory adoption of the mask.
14:58 – Rome, 17 positives at Bertrand Russell High School: carpet test
Seventeen positive Covid-19s in an institute in the capital. As learned, the cases involve students in two classes at Bertrand Russell High School in the Tuscolana area. ASL Roma 2 has started a screening in the institute and even today tests are being carried out in the different complexes to establish what measures to implement. It all started in the last days after the communication of the family of a student who reported positive for the Covid-19 swab in a fifth class at the headquarters. The classroom and teachers were quarantined and the classroom and bathrooms on the floor were disinfected. At the moment there are two classes involved, 12 of which are positive in one. The apprehension among the parents, who in the morning had also feared the possibility of a kind of “mini-confinement”. For the moment, according to what has been learned from health sources, the quarantine of the individual classes involved should continue.
13:15 – D’Amato: “More masks and less parties”
“More masks and fewer parties, to quote Merkel”. This was stated by the Lazio Health Minister, Alessio D’Amato, on the occasion of the visit to the Sanofi plant in Anagni, where the production of the Sanofi-Gsk anti-Covid vaccine is scheduled. “We will have 6-8 difficult months and we must not lower our attention, these months will coincide with the seasonal flu. Lazio – he concluded – is the Region that has acquired the highest number of doses of influenza vaccine precisely to avoid overlaps with COVID-19 symptoms “.
11:10 – Lo Spallanzani: “137 positives hospitalized, so far 762 discharged”
Currently 137 swab-positive patients for Sars-CoV-2 research are hospitalized at Spallanzani in Rome. Of these, 15 patients need intensive care, those discharged and transferred to home or other local structures are, this morning, 762. This is what emerges from today’s bulletin of the institute.
10:43 – Banning of gymnasiums at school, protest of sports clubs in Fiumicino
Several sports associations of Fiumicino will take to the streets next week to protest against the mayor’s ordinance that, to contain the risks of contagion from Covid-19, has prohibited the use of school gyms and municipal sports facilities to third parties outside the school . make use, allowing users, whether adults or children, to access the facilities from outside the school itself. A decision that has divided local public opinion in recent weeks, challenged by 17 sports associations, including volleyball, basketball, dance, about 3,500 athletes and more than 200 trainers and coaches, several of whom are now raising the alarm. – Risk, without alternatives, of “emigrating” to structures in neighboring municipalities to carry out competitive and grassroots activities, also given the unavailability for some time, due to unavailability, of the “Mirko Fersini” sports center. Some train outdoors right now.
7:25 – In Lazio 210 cases in the last 24 hours
Of more than 10 thousand swabs yesterday in Lazio, 210 cases were registered and of these 110 in Rome, five deaths and 106 recovered. Therefore, the cases are decreasing compared to a thousand more tampons. The test rate has tripled since June, fatality has been reduced by half and mortality four times lower than the national average according to data from the National Observatory of Health of the Regions.