COVID-19 can also be seen on SKIN. This is what was DISCOVERED »


CORONAVIRUS: COVID-19 can also be seen on SKIN. Here is what was DISCOVERED

Coronavirus skinCoronavirus skinthe new coronavirusin addition to the lungs It also attacks other parts of our body, such as eyes, heart is liver. But not only that: a growing number of studies suggest that patients suffering from COVID-19 also show skin symptomsor best rashes They can manifest themselves in various ways: some are like small red spotswhile others look like bigger injuries.

Regardless, specify the experts, it is too early to know if these eruptions are caused by the new coronavirus or if they are related to other factors.
“This is really a million dollar question.” Explain Kanade Shinkai, professor of dermatology at the University of California, San Francisco in an editorial recently published in Jama Dermatology, which adds: “It is not clear whether the skin lesions we are seeing are actually a direct manifestation of coronavirus on the skin, or whether they are, for example, a reaction due to the strong response of the immune system.”
