The source of the study on the relationship between coronavirus and smoking is the Istituto Superiore della Sanità. In particular, regarding the effects of smoking in patients with Covid-19, Dr. Cecilia Invitti, head of the Lifestyle Medicine Service, expressed herself. The Higher Institute of Health, based on data collected from Chinese patients infected with the virus, warned of the harm caused by smoking. Smoking, in fact, increases the risk of respiratory infections and exposes Covid-19 patients to intensive care and mechanical ventilation.
In this regard, the director of the ISS National Dependency and Doping Center said: “A third more of the Covid-19 positive smokers had a more serious clinical situation than nonsmokers on admission, and for them the risk of needing intensive care and mechanical ventilation is more than double.”. Therefore, it is clear that among the causes of the worsening of the conditions of patients with Covid-19, there is a lifestyle that mainly includes smoking, drugs and alcohol. It is not surprising that in Italy men have the primacy of smokers (7 million against 4.5 million women). This, even if the tendency to smoke is also increasing in women who now suffer from lung diseases like or even more than men. A close correlation has been found between smoking and Covid-19 victims.
Official information about smoking
Some concepts are worth mentioning: 1) THERE IS NO “SAFE LEVEL” OF SMOKING. Smoking even a single cigarette a day for life can cause it the same harm as those who smoke more (tumors of the lung, bladder, and pancreas and premature death). Smokers who quit before age 40 have reduced the probability of dying from smoking-related illnesses by 90%, and those who quit within 45-54 years have reduced it by approximately two-thirds. 2) THERE IS NO SAFE PRODUCT CONTAINING TOBACCO. In addition to cigarettes, tobacco is contained in cigars, pipes, hookahs (water pipes), bidis (dehydrated tobacco leaf from the tendu tree), and kretek (tobacco-clove mixture) and products for chewing, smelling, or dissolve. Cigarette smoke contains more toxic substances than cigarette smoke, although it is often not inhaled.
All tobacco products cause diseases of the mouth, esophagus, lungs, pancreas, and heart. 3) Clear changes occur the moment you stop smoking.
After a few hours, carbon monoxide concentrations in the blood decrease, reducing the blood’s ability to transport oxygen to the organs. After 8 hours, the
Heart rate and blood pressure tend to decrease. In 2 days, then, the sense of taste and smell recovers. The third day improves lung capacity. Within 2-8 weeks, skin and hair regain a healthier appearance, skin becomes more elastic, and wrinkles are reduced. In addition, it improves breathing, stabilizes blood pressure and heart rate. In 3 months
The chronic cough disappears and the weight gain initially observed, if accompanied by a healthy diet and regular physical activity, stabilizes. After 5 years,
The risk of lung cancer and heart disease is reduced. After 15 years, the likelihood of lung cancer risk drops to almost that of those who have never smoked. Therefore, given the clear indicators of the incidence of smoking in the deaths and aggravations of patients with Covid, it is at least responsible to take these risks into account. Consequently, it would be appropriate to open a reflection on the importance of adopting lifestyles more compatible with today’s world. Therefore, a greater awareness of the incidence of so-called cofactors that are exposed to serious pathologies and a greater receptivity to viruses. Therefore, factors that, unlike pollution and other external factors, are more easily removed as “at the discretion of the consumer”.