
am 16,999 positive cases to the hyssop for the coronavirus in Italy in the last 24 hours, according to Civil Protection data. The victims are 887. am 30,099 recovered and discharged in the last 24 hours for Covid. Since the beginning of the pandemic there are more than a million (1,027,994) people who have overcome the coronavirus. This can be seen on the Civil Protection website. Current positives decreased by 13,988 people, going below altitude 700,000. Go back down, according to the latest newsletter, the incidence of people who tested positive to Covid compared to the number of swabs done in the last 24 hours, which is 171,586. The positivity rate fell to 9.9%, almost a percentage point compared to yesterday.
At 6.30 p.m. the press conference of the extraordinary commissioner for the Covid-19 emergency, Domenico Arcuri, to take stock of the containment and fight against the epidemic