
In the last 24 hours, 1,494 new cases of coronavirus have been registered in Italy, 272 less than yesterday but with only 51,000 swabs, more than 36,000 less than on Saturday. The general total of infected, including victims and cured, amounts to 311,364. The increase in deaths is stable: 16 in one day, one less than in the last two days. Among the regions, the one with the highest number of new cases is Campania (+295) followed by Lazio (+211) and Veneto (+183). No region has zero cases.
The positives currently for Covid 19 in Italy once again exceed the threshold of 50 thousand, a figure that was not registered since May 27 when they were 50,966: in fact, from the data of the Ministry of Health it is clear that there are currently 50,323 patients , 705 more than yesterday. . Admissions to intensive care units continue to increase – to date there are 254 patients, 10 more than yesterday – and those to ordinary wards, with an increase of 131 in the last 24, bringing the total number of hospitalized to 2,846. On the other hand, there are 47,082 people in home isolation, 564 more in one day. Finally, the total discharged and healed amounted to 225,190, 773 more than yesterday.