THE BULLETIN of the Health Service – In our province, a 99-year-old and a 79-year-old from Sarnano and an 86-year-old from Civitanova lost their lives. The total bill in the region amounts to 1,594
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Covid, three dead in the Macerata area. This was reported by the Regional Health Service in the last bulletin of the day (read it here). As for our province, they lost their lives a 99 year old from Sarnano hospitalized in San Benedetto del Tronto, one 86 years of Civitanova hospitalized in Fermo e a 79 year old from Sarnano hospitalized in Civitanova. All, according to the bulletin, had previous pathologies. In addition, there are 10 other deaths across the Marches: one man and six women, all from the Pesaro area between 62 and 96 years old; an 80 year old from Jesi, 87 year old and 68 year old both from Fermo. The total count since the beginning of the pandemic stands at 1,594 in Marche: 678 in the Pesaro area, 375 in the Ancona area, 269 in the Macerata area, 125 in the Fermano area and 133 in the Ascolano area. The mean age is 81 years, 95.5% had previous pathologies.
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