New increase in covid cases in Puglia. Of the 3,319 tests carried out, 117 new cases were registered today with the province of Bari registering 70 cases, followed by Taranto with 23 new positives where attention continues to be high in the case of the Rsa di Ginosa “Villa Genusia”, with the ‘ waiting for the results of other tests. The new positives in the province of Taranto therefore amount to 35. The numbers are those of the epidemiological bulletin of the Puglia region prepared on the basis of information from the director of the Department of Health Promotion, Vito Montanaro. Today (September 4), 3,319 tests were recorded and recorded for the Covid-19 coronavirus infection 117 positive cases: 70 in the province of Bari, 2 in the province of Brindisi; 2 in the province of BAT, 7 in the province of Foggia, 8 in the province of Lecce, 23 in the province of Taranto, 5 outside the region.
No deaths were recorded.
320,159 tests have been carried out since the start of the emergency.
4,095 are recovered patients.
Currently, 1,086 are positive cases.
The total of positive cases of Covid in Puglia is 5,741, divided as follows:
2,059 in the province of Bari;
463 in the province of Bat;
710 in the province of Brindisi;
1,406 in the province of Foggia;
684 in the province of Lecce;
370 in the province of Taranto;
48 attributed to residents outside the region;
1 province of unknown residence.
Statement from the Managing Director Asl Ba, Antonio Sanguedolce: «Today our Prevention Department registered 70 cases of positivity to the virus. Most of them, 45, were identified during the close contact tracing activity related to already known cases, while the rest emerged during the triage phase in the health structures ”.
Statement from Asl Bt General Manager Alessandro Delle Donne: «There are 2 cases registered today in the Bat. For both, the epidemiological investigations of the prevention department are underway.
Statement from DG Asl Brindisi, Giuseppe Pasqualone: “Of the two cases registered in the province of Brindisi, the first is a foreign citizen residing in our territory: he voluntarily performed a serological test that revealed the presence of antibodies and was immediately subjected to a swab. The second, on the other hand, is a close contact of an already established case ».
Statement from the Dg of Asl Dg, Vito Piazzolla: «There are 7 new positivities to COVID 19 registered in the last 24 hours in the province of Foggia. They are: 3 symptomatic people; 3 contacts of already known cases; 1 person identified during the screening activities prior to admission. The Corporate Hygiene Service is rapidly rebuilding the chains of contagion and managing voluntary active health surveillance ”.
Statement from Dg Asl Lecce, Rodolfo Rollo: “Of the 8 cases registered today by the Prevention Department, 6 refer to people who have had close contact with an already known case, 2 to citizens temporarily present in our province, one of whom is already in isolation.”
Statement from Dg Asl Ta, Stefano RossI: «The 23 cases of Covid in Taranto are: 12 related to the outbreak of Ginosa RSA, to complete the swabs for staff and guests; 3 after syndromic triage performed by general practitioners; 8 to be attributed to groups of people who had positive relatives. The prevention department, through technicians and doctors, carries out a constant and responsible monitoring of the territory to prevent a further spread of the virus “.
The number of infected in the RSA «Villa Genusia» in Marina di Ginosa in the province of Taranto has risen to 46. After the first positive cases, another hundred swabs were made, the results of which were announced today. With the number of new positives rising from 34 to 46, twelve more than yesterday (September 3). From what has been learned, the positive aspects include both patients and operators of the structure.
Last Updated: September 5 at 11:48 AM M.