Covid, 11 thousand infections. The CTS accuses the bus and metro operators: 6 months lost! Now schools pay – School News


Regarding the high number of infections (almost 11 thousand in the last 24 hours) and what to do to avoid ending up like France, the Scientific Technical Committee does not send them to say and expresses the thoughts of many: convened on the afternoon of Saturday, October 18 , the expert group examines the question of the new measures for the next Dpcm and points the finger at local public transport.

A different mobility was needed

“An important criticism – read a note from the CTS shared with the Regions – is represented by local public transport that does not appear to have adapted to the renewed needs, despite the fact that the CTS has highlighted the need for reorganization since last April, giving incentives a different mobility with the active participation of local institutions and mobility managers “.

Yes to staggered high school admissions

The reorganization of local transportation, with the participation of mayors, is now the priority for the CTS.

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Because as things have gone, with the continuous increase in positive cases, urgent measures are now needed. And schools will “lose”, you will have to change the times of entry and exit.

The group of experts led by Agostino Miozzo, Director of Civil Protection, indicates to the Government the need to initiate staggered admissions to high schools and colleges (without, however, still resorting to distance learning): we are already talking about the beginning of the lessons that could last even until 11 in the morning.

So the experts call for the strengthening of diagnostic and follow-up of contacts with general practitioners and pediatricians, strengthening of territorial medicine through the contribution of civil protection.

Dpcm is coming

The Government has taken note of the CTS requests and should include them in the DCPM that will be released on Sunday, October 18, fully focused on the methods to be implemented to stop the wave of contagion and deal with this new wave of contagion. , protecting interests in the most effective way. health and socioeconomic conditions of all citizens.

Enough with audience aggregations

The note issued by the Technical-Scientific Committee also mentions “ltemporary imitation of the use of events with a large audience (for example, congresses, fairs, etc.) and other meetings of spontaneous or organized people “.

The CTS also expects to intensify “the control and enforcement actions that should facilitate its possibility of adoption, for example the obligation publication of the maximum number of clients that can be accepted in the exercises. “

And “highlights the current uncertainty about the epidemiological aspects related to the circulation and transmission of the virus, despite the awareness that, currently, outbreaks occur primarily within families“.

We are heading into a difficult period

The experts also ask “to consider that the country is at the beginning of the autumn-winter season, which potentially makes it difficult to manage patients affected by Covid.”

They then focus on current regulations regarding “the maximum number of people who can share the same table within the restaurant’s premises.”

Quick diagnosis and smarter work

“Absolute need for timely diagnosis, effective monitoring and location of contacts through the involvement of general practitioners and pediatricians of free choice, through active recruitment actions improve diagnostic systems, such as drive-ins“.

Finally, they ask “the encouragement of smart work both in the public and private sectors “.

One modality, that of agile work, which for the school would translate into distance learning with teachers and students at home: an eventuality that, at least for now, the Scientific Technical Committee does not intend to take into consideration.
