Quarantine is reduced to 10 days and for positives only one output buffer. This is what comes out of today’s CTS meeting.
Molecular and antigenic swabs may be authorized for “contacts”. As Ansa knows, this is the other health aspect examined during the Cts meeting. Such swabs could be done by family doctors and pediatricians when possible.
“We are forced to tighten our shirts after weeks of measures that were expanded. “This was stated by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza of Fabio Fazio to ‘Che tempo che fa’ in Rai3. Control and not take harsher measures, and play in advance.” Infections in Italy have increased but are lower than in other countries. In one day France had +27 thousand infections “.
No more private parties and more checks. There are “essential things and some are not,” Speranza explained.
“We will act on the gatherings and schedules of the premisesIn reference to some measures that will be discussed with the regions on Monday and then incorporated into the new Dpcm, Speranza also announced interventions in sports where it is not possible to wear masks or maintain distance.
75% of infections occur in family relationships.. “The guard is lowered and the mask is removed.” Hence the restriction of private parties, not only among young people, and of meetings. This was stated by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza from Fabio Fazio to ‘Che tempo che fa’ in Rai.
The new anti-Covid rules that are coming are “national”. The Regions will have the possibility to act on more restrictive rulesSperanza said, noting that “there are no conditions for any blocking national for no territory “.
“I say it clearly, Italy cannot afford a new blockade, the economic and commercial systems cannot afford it, “Chancellor Luigi Di Maio said in ‘half an hour more’ on RaiTre.
“Can I say something. In February we were not absolutely prepared, we had nothing, not even as a production chain. Now we have a country that may have dysfunctions, but it has equipped itself and has shown that it can cope with the emergency. A country that should not be too hard on itself. Intensive care is equipped, “adds Di Maio, underlining that in the emergency” I am not saying that we are in the last mile. We, thanks to the agreement with the University of Oxford, at the end of the year we will have the first doses of the vaccine. And we have to overcome and from the beginning of next year we are going to start vaccinations “, explains Di Maio, according to whom” Italy cannot afford a new blockade, the economic and commercial system cannot afford it.
“Today there are no conditions to return to the confinement, we all need to become aware and assume a necessary increase in responsibilityThe commissioner of Emergencies Domenico Arcuri said in ‘Mezz’ora in’ in Rai 3, citing a fact: “on March 31 there were 4,023 patients in intensive care, yesterday October 10 there were 390”. ‘”the signal – he underlines – of the response that the system has given to the epidemic and denying it means that one is not well informed”