
Government close to the tear. To shake the balance once again the reopening during the coronavirus emergency. Mario draghi has tried to meet the less rigorous as Matteo salvinibut to no avail. In fact, it is not enough to go back to school after Easter for kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, even in the red range regions. The leader of the League wants more, he is not satisfied with the fact that “we will continue to follow the data. I do not exclude changes in progress. The situation is so complex that it must be monitored day by day, week by week,” he declared. by the Prime Minister. And so in the middle of the afternoon the former minister makes himself heard: either it opens after April 6 or the government will not have the approval of the League in the Council of Ministers, was the diktat. In the middle, the right arm of Draghi and the number two of the League., Giancarlo Giorgetti. It was his – reveals the newspaper – the arduous task of mediating. And a first result takes you home. Playing on the bench with Forza Italia and with the blue minister for regional affairs, Mariastella gelmini, places on the table in the control room the request to “have more resources for the activities most affected by long inactivity, such as bars and gyms.” But nothing in the control room yet passes the rigorous line of Roberto Speranza and Dario Franceschini.

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A choice that sees Salvini upset and irritated: “Is unthinkable Keep Italy closed also throughout the month of April. In the name of the common sense that distinguishes it and above all of the medical and scientific data, we ask President Draghi that as of April 7, at least in the Regions and cities with health conditions under control, the closed activities are reopened ( obviously in security) and a return to life, starting with restaurants, theaters, gyms, cinemas, bars, oratories, shops. Any proposal in the Council of Ministers and in parliament will have the approval of the Lega only if it contains a gradual and safe return to life “. Ultimately, the answer: “Whether it is thinkable or unthinkable depends on the data we have.”

Once again, it is Giorgetti’s turn who tries to reconcile himself with a clarifying note in which the objective of the attack is transferred from Draghi to the Speranza-Franceschini duo, renamed the horror couple: “Completely crazy to take for granted right now that the closures will continue. until the end of next month, as Ministers Roberto Speranza and Dario Franceschini would like. It is only psychological terrorism ”. The tension, however, goes back to the evening, when Pd and M5 put Salvini in their sights: “The League must stop with a double language, that is, with saying one thing and doing another,” attacks the Party leader Democrat. Game Enrico Letta guest of Lilli gruber. In short, the executive still can’t sleep soundly.
